USRE5643E - Improvement in apparatus for rendering fats and deodorizing the gases - Google Patents

Improvement in apparatus for rendering fats and deodorizing the gases Download PDF


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USRE5643E US RE5643 E USRE5643 E US RE5643E
United States
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Hexry S. Fieman
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  • My intention is a rendering apparatus, which, from the peculiarconstruction, combination, and ar angemcnt of its parts, is adapted to cn'iploy, advantageously, steam and hot air in combination with each other.
  • Figure 1 is a central vertical section of my improved rendering apparatus and theairheating furnace also showing the gas-seal as connected therewith when the apparatus is employed for thcproduction of illuminatinggas; Fig.2, a transverse section ofthe furnace on the line 3 y of Fig. 1, being partially broken to show the interior of perforated pipe 1 andretort 1".
  • the accompanying drawing represents a steam-tight cylmdcr or digester, A, 1nadc of boiler-iron, with a liningthroughout, exceptat the top, (or, if preferred, it may be lined at the top,) of the same material, which makes it' equivalent to a jacketed tank; but, if it is preferred to admit the steam directly into the interior of the cyl'ii'ider, the lining may be disclaimedd with, and the ordinary Wilson tank may be employed, the latter being simply a single steam-tight iron cylinder or (ligester. This dige'ster may be set in brick-work; but, by preference, I cover it with felt or composition, to prevent loss of heat by radiation.
  • a filling-hole, B at the top, and with a discharging-hole, L", at the bottom. It is also suitably provided with cocks l) l) 1) l) for drawing off the nieltedfat and water, and with a cock, E, for drawing 01f condensed water from the jacket.
  • I is the pipe by which the steam from the boiler is admitted into the jacket when the double rylinder is used, and
  • My mode of destroying the foulgases evolved during the process of rendering is to pass them through the pipe 1 into a condenser, G, which is provided with a suitable coil immersed in water for partial condensation, and thence lead theminto the fiunace L, discharging them through a poi-to rated delivery retort or pipe, 1, into the fire to be burned.
  • G condenser
  • I provide, adjacentthereto, aclosed retort
  • charcoal or its equivalent, in the retort,'for the purpose of deodorizing the noxious gases and vapors, as well as to facilitate the manufacture of the for illuminating purposes.
  • This chamber may be made of fire-clay or equivalent material, or; of iron, and may be of square or other form, but is -ireferably cylindrical, and covers the entire fire-space over the furnace, except a space, X,
  • a pipe, K conducts the hot air to the drum J
  • Fresh air is supplied to the heating-chamber by the blower I, or it is taken directly from the fire-chamber L of the furnace when the fire is in such a condition as not to evolve smoke.
  • the damper t is kept open, allowing the-heated air and gases of combustion to ascend through i the flue X and enter the chamber 0. The ex;
  • pansion of the air, by heating, in the chamber 0 willgenerate sufficient force to drive it into .
  • the drum J but I- provide for its regular supply thereto, and a steady circulation through the same, by means, first, of pipes S from the top-of the drum, through which the-action of the blower slowly exhausts a portion of the contents of the drum, the equivalent of which will be constantly flowing in from chamber 0 to maintain an equilibrium; secondly, by allowing a sniall part to escape, by opening stopcock 1', through a pipe conununicating with the chimnev' causin an inflow from the cha-m-.
  • the pipe S is connected with theheated-air drum in the 'digester,-and has its terminal end or nozzle 8 inserted in the pipe T, through which the foul gases are fed to the furnace, the suction of the blower I acting as an exhaust on the pipe S also.
  • a drip-cock
  • the retort or delivery pipe 1? either perforated or close, arranged along the top and center of the furnace L, as and for the purpose set forth.
  • the shield or curtain R in combination with the furnace L and heating-chamber O, forchecking the flames and heated products until perfect combustion has occurred, suly stantially as set forth.


'H'. si FIRMAN.
Apparatus for Rendering Fats and fleodbrizing 'thei Gases.
Reissued Nov. 4,1873.
Q Q m x,
Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 136,827, dated March 18, 1873;
rci; site No. 5. 6:1 3, da ed November 4, 1873; application filed October 14, 1873.
To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that I, HENRY S. FinnAN, of the city, county, and State of Xew York, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Rendering Apparatus for Rendering Tallow, Lard, and all Kinds of Animal Fats and Tissues, of which the following is a specification:
My intention is a rendering apparatus, which, from the peculiarconstruction, combination, and ar angemcnt of its parts, is adapted to cn'iploy, advantageously, steam and hot air in combination with each other. consists, mainly, in the employment, in. con nection with a steam rendering-tank, of an internal hotair drum or chamber having independent means of heating it and regulating i ts temperature.
The details of construction and the manner of operation will be fully described hereinafter.
Figure 1 is a central vertical section of my improved rendering apparatus and theairheating furnace also showing the gas-seal as connected therewith when the apparatus is employed for thcproduction of illuminatinggas; Fig.2, a transverse section ofthe furnace on the line 3 y of Fig. 1, being partially broken to show the interior of perforated pipe 1 andretort 1". I
The accompanying drawing represents a steam-tight cylmdcr or digester, A, 1nadc of boiler-iron, with a liningthroughout, exceptat the top, (or, if preferred, it may be lined at the top,) of the same material, which makes it' equivalent to a jacketed tank; but, if it is preferred to admit the steam directly into the interior of the cyl'ii'ider, the lining may be dis pensed with, and the ordinary Wilson tank may be employed, the latter being simply a single steam-tight iron cylinder or (ligester. This dige'ster may be set in brick-work; but, by preference, I cover it with felt or composition, to prevent loss of heat by radiation. It is provided with a filling-hole, B, at the top, and with a discharging-hole, L", at the bottom. It is also suitably provided with cocks l) l) 1) l) for drawing off the nieltedfat and water, and with a cock, E, for drawing 01f condensed water from the jacket. I is the pipe by which the steam from the boiler is admitted into the jacket when the double rylinder is used, and
Its novelty 4 into the inside of the digester when the single tank is used. 'At or about the center of the digester I place a heated-air drum, J, commu nicating, by the pipe K, with furnace L, by which. pipe the drum is supplied with heated air. I provide the heated-air drum with a thermometer, M, by means of which the tempcraturc within can at all times be ascertained byexternal observation. My mode of destroying the foulgases evolved during the process of rendering is to pass them through the pipe 1 into a condenser, G, which is provided with a suitable coil immersed in water for partial condensation, and thence lead theminto the fiunace L, discharging them through a poi-to rated delivery retort or pipe, 1, into the fire to be burned. In some cases-that is, whenever the character of the material under treatment will warrant, and when, for any reason, it may be desirable-instead of delivering the vapors through the perforated retort or pipe 1, I provide, adjacentthereto, aclosed retort,
I which then makes it equivalent to an ordinary gas-retort. I then heat this retort to a suitable temperature, and thus convert the partially-condensed foul gases and vapors from the rendering apparatus into gas for illuminating or heating purposes; and when I desire to give to the gas thus manufactured-a higher degree of illuminating or heatingpowcr, I combine with these gases and vapors in the retort a? suitable proportion of tallow, grease, scrap, wood, oil, or any material from which gas for illuminating or heating purposes may be manufactured. By these means, the vapors evolved in the digcstcr may be utilized instead 'of being merely consumed in the furnace. I
also place charcoal, or its equivalent, in the retort,'for the purpose of deodorizing the noxious gases and vapors, as well as to facilitate the manufacture of the for illuminating purposes. I place, at a suitable pointbetween condenser G and furnace L, a filll-l)l()\\'0l, I, or other equivalent device, to facilitate and hasten the removal of vapors and gases fronrthe digester, and force them into the dischargingpipe 1 to be consumed in the furnace; also, to create a circulation of air through the heated-air drum J by exhausting aportion through the pipe S, the place of which is immediately filled by the expansion of that con- 10a in front of the air-flue.
th complete destruction of all noxious and offensive odors. The destruction of the noxious gases may be effected equally well by leading them into theboiler-furnace; but, by prefer- 7 (nice, I use for this purpose the same furnace which I employ for heating the airsupplied to the air-drum J This furnace L is constructed in the lower partthat is to say, the ash-pit, grate-bars, and flues-in the ordinary manner but the upper part I construct as a heating.
ch amber, in which the air supplied to the drum J is heated to a suitable temperature for the purpose required. This chamber'may be made of fire-clay or equivalent material, or; of iron, and may be of square or other form, but is -ireferably cylindrical, and covers the entire fire-space over the furnace, except a space, X,
A pipe, K, conducts the hot air to the drum J Fresh air is supplied to the heating-chamber by the blower I, or it is taken directly from the fire-chamber L of the furnace when the fire is in such a condition as not to evolve smoke. In this case the damper t is kept open, allowing the-heated air and gases of combustion to ascend through i the flue X and enter the chamber 0. The ex;
pansion of the air, by heating, in the chamber 0 willgenerate sufficient force to drive it into .the drum J but I- provide for its regular supply thereto, and a steady circulation through the same, by means, first, of pipes S from the top-of the drum, through which the-action of the blower slowly exhausts a portion of the contents of the drum, the equivalent of which will be constantly flowing in from chamber 0 to maintain an equilibrium; secondly, by allowing a sniall part to escape, by opening stopcock 1', through a pipe conununicating with the chimnev' causin an inflow from the cha-m-.
her 0 to maintain the uniformity of tempera ture. I also introduce a pipe, U, which takes hot air from the chainber O, and leading it into the pipe T for mixture with the condensed gases before they enter the furnace, thereby insuring their perfect combustion; On'the bottom or lowest part of the cylindrical airheater 0, I place my perforated discharge-pipe I through whichthe foul gases are delivered into the fire, or closed retort for making the illuminating-gas, as previously described. On each side, parallel with and a short distance from this retort and perforated pipe in chamber of the. furnace, I place a downwardly-projecting molding or curtain, Q, leaving an open space between. These are for, the purpose 'of checking the gases when issuing from Y the perforated pipe into the furnace 'to' be burned. These moldings or projectiq 's may be increased in number and size, if lesired. At the front end of the cylinder I drop a cur tain or molding, preferably of a semicircular shape, or approximating to that (of the heater, it being shown in cross-section at R, Fig.1, and its form and position indicated by-the dotted lines It, Fig. 2. The office of this ourtain'is to check the flame and products of combustion, and cause them to circulate around I the under surface of the heater before escaping, either by the ordinary flues '1: U c 'orthe airpassage X. The pipe S is connected with theheated-air drum in the 'digester,-and has its terminal end or nozzle 8 inserted in the pipe T, through which the foul gases are fed to the furnace, the suction of the blower I acting as an exhaust on the pipe S also. A drip-cock,
w, is provided to the pipe T for the withdrawal of any water which may be condensed therein. It will be observed from the foregoing de scription that the jacket or tank is heated by means independent and distinct from those employed to heat the drum J. It is essential in my rendering process that the inside drum or chamber should be of such form and so arranged as to enable the operator to secure, at will, either a higher low temperature, as the case may require, without reference to the temperature or pressure'in the jacket, orin the single tank when that is used, this result bein g readily accomplished by adapting the hotair drum to be regulated, as to its temperature, independently of the jacket or tank, as desired. V 1
Under the plan or arrangement. heretofore in :use', this result was impracticable, if not impossible, for the reason that the drum or chamber was so arranged and placed, and so connected with other parts of the apparatus, they merely passing through the digester from top to bottom, or from side to side, that the temperature in the drum or fine could'not be materially different from that. in the jacket of the steam apparatus, or from that in the outside chamber or flue of the hot-air apparatus,
at the bottom than at the top, and properly proportioned. 1 v
I am aware that both flues and. drums have been heretofore used in both steam and hot-air rendering apparatus; but these were cases where either hot air or steamwas alone employed, and not, as in my process, in combination. ,I do not claim'a flue passing through a rendering apparatus.
It will be observed also that the material treated is acted upon by radiated heat from the inclosing steam-jacket, which is employed.
in connection with radiated heat from an internal hot-air chamber. g
The employment of diiferent kinds of heat, in the manner described, produces new and valuable results; the tallow; having the color,
,grain, and keeping qualities of that obtain ed when hot air is used exclusively,'while the stack or chimney,
usual danger of burning is almost entirely avoided.
Having thus fullydescribed my invention, what I claim as new, and desirc'to secure by Letters Patent, is
1. In combination with a steam renderingtank, the internal hot-air drum or chamber, and the independent means for heating it and regulating its temperature, substantially as described.
2. The combination of the c .-ntrally-located drum J, the connecting-pipe K, having a suitable regulating device, furnace L, as described.
3. The hot-air chamber or drum inside of a rendering apparatus, having a tube passing from the furnace into the lower end of said chamber or drum, and a pipe passing from the top of said hot-air chamber or drum into the for the purpose of creating a circulation of air' through the hot-air chamher or drum, substantially as described.
4. Themoldings or projections, or their equivalents, adapted to check the gases at the instant of their delivery into the fire, to aid and facilitate their combustion, as herein shown and described.
5. The arch or upper portion of the furnace formed with one or more downward or downwardly-inclined projections, Q Q, substantially as and for the purpose set forth.
. 6. The utlet pipe v, located at or near the top of the heatedair drum, and connecting the same to the chimney orstack, as described.
7. The employment of the radiated heat from and the independent,
an inclosing jacket heated by steam, in com bination with the radiated heat from an internal hot-air chamber, substantially as described.
8. In combination with the furnace L and. heating-chamber O, the hot-air flue X for con veying the heated air and gaseous products of the furnace L, as and for the purpose set forth.
9. The retort or delivery pipe 1?, either perforated or close, arranged along the top and center of the furnace L, as and for the purpose set forth.
' 10. Mixing hot air from the drum J with the vapors and gases evolved in the rendering-tank before burning in the furnace, as set forth.
11. The shield or curtain R, in combination with the furnace L and heating-chamber O, forchecking the flames and heated products until perfect combustion has occurred, suly stantially as set forth.
12. The arrangement of the pipe U for with drawing air from the heating chamber O, and
the same, substantially VVitnesses G130. S. NrcKoLLs,
mingling it with the condensed vapo'rs and



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