USRE4910E - Improvement in apparatus for generating and burning vapors from hydrocarbons - Google Patents

Improvement in apparatus for generating and burning vapors from hydrocarbons Download PDF


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USRE4910E US RE4910 E USRE4910 E US RE4910E
United States
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In Apparatus For Generating
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  • Fig.3 shows a front elevation of the jets and humor-tube.
  • My present invention is an improvement on va-former invention relating to the same subject, for which Letters Patent were granted to me dated March -.9, 1869, No. 87,680; and consists in so arrangingythe apparatus .that either kerosene, naphtha, or gasoline may be used for both lighting and heating purposes.
  • liquid hydrocarbons most suitable to be used in this apparatus are petroleum, naphtha, or gasoline ranging from 60 to 85 Baums scale, but it wil also burn kerosene.
  • B is the reservoir; *0, the pipe, which may be maelstrom eight inches to five feet in length ib'r conducting the liquid to the vaporizer; G, faucet for regulating and stopping the oil supply; F, small jet for in ducinga current of air from the atmosphere, which airis drawn into the tube'N .at the adjustable opening I; S, wire-gauze to prevent any solid matter from stopping up the jet F;
  • J shows the tube for holding the gas-burners K K for burning the vapor-gas.
  • These burners may be arranged in a variety of forms, and in any number. to suit the taste and requirements of parties using the apparatus.


J) KiDD. in Apparatus for Gene rating and Burning Improvement Vapors from Hydr'0carb'ons..
. Reissued May 21, 1822.
I ANN-(.1)
JOSHUA mnn or new YORK, n. Y.
mraovsmm m APPARATUS ron crnzmmelmo'sunumc VAPORS From HYDROCARBONS.
- Specification forming m of Letters Patent No. 110,857, dated January 10,1871; reissue No. 4,910, dated Ma er,
To all whom it may concern:
Be ili'kllOWIl that I, JOSHUA KIDD .of the city, county, and State of New York, ave in vented a new and Improved Apparatus f0; Generating and Burning the Vapors from Lit ;uid Hydrocarbons; and I do-hereby declar a that the'following is a full, clear, and-exact description of the eonstructionend operation inodificat on of the retort A, shown in Fig. 1,
"Fig.3 shows a front elevation of the jets and humor-tube. v
=.My present invention is an improvement on va-former invention relating to the same subject, for which Letters Patent were granted to me dated March -.9, 1869, No. 87,680; and consists in so arrangingythe apparatus .that either kerosene, naphtha, or gasoline may be used for both lighting and heating purposes.
When my invention is used for heating purposes I allow the vapor to escape from the jet or aperture" D against the button H, with a pressure due to a column of liquid, which may vary. from twenty to forty inches, as shown in the aforesaid specification. When my invention isused for lighting purposes I combine a device with the vaporizer there shown for mixing air with the vapor by an induced current caused by the escaping force of the vapor. I am aware that the inducing of a current of air by the escaping force of a jet of vapor has been used before in'combination with ni1u1erous mechanical devices for the utilization of.
liquid hydrocarbon for lighting and heating purposes. I
I lay-no claim to the method of inducing a current'of air, except when combined with a 3 vaporizer or its equivalent, where the heated oil is injected, underpressure, sparingly, into the aforesaid vaporizer. This retort or vapor-' izer is heated by the heat given off from the vapor burning under it.
.The liquid hydrocarbons most suitable to be used in this apparatus are petroleum, naphtha, or gasoline ranging from 60 to 85 Baums scale, but it wil also burn kerosene.
Description of Drawing.
1 shape, or it maybe made of tube bent in a circular, half'ronnd, conical, straight, or zigzag form, with or without a metallicheat-conductor, 0, attached toit and placed over the flame,
as shown at Fig. 2. B is the reservoir; *0, the pipe, which may be maelstrom eight inches to five feet in length ib'r conducting the liquid to the vaporizer; G, faucet for regulating and stopping the oil supply; F, small jet for in ducinga current of air from the atmosphere, which airis drawn into the tube'N .at the adjustable opening I; S, wire-gauze to prevent any solid matter from stopping up the jet F;
J shows the tube for holding the gas-burners K K for burning the vapor-gas. These burners may be arranged in a variety of forms, and in any number. to suit the taste and requirements of parties using the apparatus.
Having now described my invention, I would have it to be understood that I do not confine myself to the exact arrangement shown and de scribed, as'the same maybe varied; but
What I do claim, is-- 1. The combination ofvapori'zer A, in which vapor is generated by admitting naphtha into the same sparingly, with faucet G, packed tube E, and airinducing jet F, fixed in a larger pipe open to the atmosphere, or the equivalents of' any one or all of said parts, when com bined in such a manner that no stop-coclgor its equivalent, intervenes between the jet and the vaporizer.
H 2. ".lihecombination of partsE,zA,.E,.,and ,l, or their equivalents, also the method of plate ing vaporizer A over or close tothe vapor .fla-me so that it can be heated thereby, and
fixing induoin g-j et F and air-inlet I in any partof the tube conveying the vapor to the burner. 3. The combination 'of parts A, G, E, and F, or their equivalents, with button H, as described.
Witnesses: I



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