USRE3812E - Improvement in printing-telegraphs - Google Patents

Improvement in printing-telegraphs Download PDF


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USRE3812E US RE3812 E USRE3812 E US RE3812E
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By Mesne Assignments
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By Mesne Assignments
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  • l l v Fignre is a plan of top view of the same', lshowing the cilcuitfmnnection .similar lctteis indicate corresponding parts.
  • r[his invention relates to an electro-magnetic print'- ing-telegraph, inwl iieh the magnet used for producing the implession is actuated by electrical-impulses, and'v situatdin a circuit distinct from the 'electrical im.
  • axle I of this i -type-ndice] is opemted by a; clockmox'ement or tmin of gearing, c d e; f, the motive-power o'f which' may be a spring or weight, but in the' draw-l ing is supposed to be a spring attached to the insee h',
  • This crutch is connected, by a pin, It, working in a slot, with one arm 'of 'a lever, D, otfthe. hlstlorder, A
  • Th' lever has a spring, 1,.: ippliedft0'the arm,whiclr connects with the crntch,.t owithdrawthe armature.
  • the said roller F also serving 'to confine the paper, to enable it to receive the impression ofthe types. .lhc portion ofthe instrument above dcseribeddoes not lcti'ect the print-ing, but simply moves the type- Thcopening oft-he eircuit'agaiu 'causes'the spring to'move "the" lever, and le'm'o'vc the pallet; j',x and cause the pallet j tn fa-ll into the .next notch of '.the wheel to that which it last lett, the escapement- -ot' a train of wheels, u 'r 'w x, the. motive-power ot ⁇ v wheel 4, of this clock-movement, the said escapecuit through vthe magnet 1*),and the roller F is althe impressions 'of the types.
  • the tvpe has to be lifted up, as, whcirit arrives opposite the roller, its face is some distance therefrom, its weight causing it to i'ail in toward the centre ot' the wheel.
  • the lifting of -thc type. to give the impression is performed by an armature-lever, Gr, which is arranged, in relation to a helical magnet, ll, oi. the opposite side ofthe instrument, in a similar mannerto the arrangement of the lever 1) relatively to the magnet l'l, the' magnet 11 being placed in another circuit, and the le ver G being hung ou a centre, in', andhaving a spring, n, applied, -to throw ott the armature when the circuit is open.
  • Gr armature-lever
  • this lever G which is ou the epposite side vof the centre m' to the armature, has a curved metal tongue, p, attached to it. which stands dircctlybelow any type which .may happen to be un der the roller 1", and when the circuit through the magnet 1l is closed, the armature is drawn down, and the tongue p lii'ts up the type against the, paper, and makes ⁇ the impression, the type falling again by its own weight as soon as the circuit is opened, and the armature iaised by the spring n.
  • 'lh'e point of the tongue y is adjustable, relatively t'o the le ⁇ cr, by a screw, 221, which, as the tongue is pivoted to tue level' at 25, will raise the. point higher or lower.
  • This roller is hung on a swinging frame, J, and is -raised up to ink the type, every time the circuit through the magnet Eis closed, by the connection ot' its frame, by means ot' a rod, q, to the lever D, and when the circuit is broken, it falls into contact with a distributing-1olle1',r, in an ink-trough, r', below the base l5.
  • the hiking-roller is always in contact with the vtypes as they pass it, but as the pressure ofthe types is only what isdile to their weight, until the roller is raised to bring the pin 3, ofthe type, immediately over its centre, to a bearing against the inner rim s, ot' the type-wheel, the force of the, contact between the inkingroller and face of the type may not be sufiicient to ink the type until the pin 3 finds a hearing.
  • tlie rollers F11 to feed the paper, or give it the movement necessary to produce proper spaces between the successive impressions of 'the' type, Iis effected by a clock-movement, consisting which may be a spring or weight, -but in the drawing it is supposed to he aspring, ⁇ attached to the fusee y, and acting on the gearing, through cords, ruiming tol a barrel, Z, ou the axle ot' the wheel
  • the axle t, of the roller .1" carries the escapementment-wheel havingappiicd--te it a crutch or double detent, 5 (i, which works on a fixed pivot, 8, and is connected, by a pin, 7, working in a slot, (see/tig. 1,) with the lever G.
  • the guide-plate 1, with its slot 1,', is shown in red outline, in iig. 3, to avoid confusion ot' parts.
  • the rango of the levers D and G is .regulated by screws 10 1 0, screwed into the magnets, stadhuis il 11, fitted thereto.
  • the circuit leading to the keys 16 and 17 is tinted red and the latter blue.r
  • the circuit is caused to vpass through the red wire, and the helix of the typewhcel magnet E.
  • the type-wheel may be brought to such a. position as to present any desired letter oppo site the roller F, Then, by allowing the' finger-key 16 to rise, and depressing the. key 17, the circuit passes through the blue wire, and the printing and ieediug-magnet H, causing thev paper to move along,
  • the key 1U is tirst depressed, to closefthefoircuit through the inaguet H, the circuit through thc type-wheel magnet. not having been opened, when the movement ot' the lever G takes place, and the' type-wheel, consequent ly, only having moved half ⁇ the distance'necessary to bringn new type between the tongue p and the roller l", 'causes'the tongue to f'all into a space between two types, and thus renders it inoperative, but yet allows the movement of the roller F to take placeto feed the paper.
  • the key 16 needs only to be kept closed during one closing and opening movement ol ⁇ the key 17, after whieh'it may be piayed as before, to move the typewheel.
  • One ofthe instruments is, of course., employed at every station of a telegraph-line, and two separa-tc wires are used, running through all the stations, one communicating with the type-wheel 'magnets oi' all the instruments, and the other with the printing and ⁇ t'eeding-magricts of all the instruments.
  • a double rela-y or receiving-magnet may "be employed at each station, the two keys tooperate the instruments beingattached tothe two main wires.
  • the sending-ol enter spelling off his words by the aid ofthe pointer o, and the dial, operates the two keys, as before described, and the printing ofthe communication may be performed at any or ⁇ all of the stations on the line, as maybe desired, and tlemessage received may also .be read of from the dial s.
  • a roller ctuated bya. weight or spring, tbrfcaling the paper in combination with a. type-wheel, actuated or 'controlled by a. muguet, in one matin circuit, vand the impression-mcelmnism, substantially as spv- ⁇ ciied, actuated by a. magnet in another main circuit,


2 Sheets-.Sheet 2..
N9.' 3,812. Reimer: Jan. 25, 1870..
l by the printing-magnet.
@prima gatita me eine;
l ooLD AND s'rjceu TE'LEGRAPH QMPANY, 0F NEW YORK, N. Y., Assai-Nuns,
'Letters Patent No. 14,759, dated April 2i), 1856; eissue'o. 3,1812, dated January 25, 1870.
The Schedule remt-rod to l than Jlaelzterl Patent and making part o! -the same.
Be it known that HENRY N BAKER, of Unio`n,'in .the county of Broome. State of New York,vdid invent a new and usei'nl Improvement in Electro-Magnetic I'rinting-Telegraphs; and 'thei'ollowing is hereby declared to be a l'nll, clear, and exact description'thereof,
whichwll enable those skilled in theart to make and use the same,`reiercuce being had to the accompanying drawings, forming part of this speciiication, in which dmwings Figure Irl-presents a fiont view of this invention,
a portion of the frame being taken away to show the working-muts. l l v Fignre is a plan of top view of the same', lshowing the cilcuitfmnnection .similar lctteis indicate corresponding parts.
r[his invention relates to an electro-magnetic print'- ing-telegraph, inwl iieh the magnet used for producing the implession is actuated by electrical-impulses, and'v situatdin a circuit distinct from the 'electrical im.
' .A pulses, which control the' motions' of" the type-.wheel in such almnnner that impressions can be taken or the'l paper can be fed independently f any other operation,v
while the` type-wheel is at res The movements of thetype-wheel are' controlled orl `uled at will by distinct electrical impulses. The strip ot' paper or other naterialon which the messages me to bey vprinted is fed along by adevice that is distinct from the'printing-magnet, but this devceis solarrange'd that it can be brought into action A pointer and dial, whicn are marked with the same f' 'letters and characters contained on the types of the t ype-wheel, enable vthe operator to read ofi', during the olmation, the messages which he transmits or receives.
A "Lare two brass standards, attached to a wooden .lase, B, to l'orm a framing to support the principalj standard A is omitted, and thebasc B shown in section. v
is a type-wheel, with a doublerim, containing a complete ,alphabet and such other signs as may be to be taken, by an ndepen Y pablo of a movement radially "thereto, said movement y beinglim'itcdvbpth inward :md- 'outward by pins 3 3,
inserted in the types, betweentherims ss' of theptypewheel.
The axle I of this i -type-ndice] is opemted by a; clockmox'ement or tmin of gearing, c d e; f, the motive-power o'f which' may be a spring or weight, but in the' draw-l ing is supposed to be a spring attached to the insee h',
and .acting on the gearing through cords running to a barrel, y, on the axle of thc whel j.,
- '.lh-'c axle b alsoV carries the escapement-wheel of the clock-movement, the said wheel having a number` of teeth equal to thenumber ot' types in vthe type` wheel, and having appliedv to it a crutch, (or, perhaps i. -lnore properlyvspeaking, a double' detent,)`.jj, .which works on a iixcd centre, fi.'
This crutch is connected, by a pin, It, working in a slot, with one arm 'of 'a lever, D, otfthe. hlstlorder, A
, and whose opposite which hangs en a iixcd centra-Lf l arm forms the ariuature lof'ahelical magnet, la, which is in an electro-niagnetio circuit.
Th' lever has a spring, 1,.: ippliedft0'the arm,whiclr connects with the crntch,.t owithdrawthe armature.
fl'o'lnthe magnet when the circuit open.v This springf' bligsthe palleft j of the crutohinto the oscilla-inenr. whceliandstopsit, but when the vcircuit is closed, the
"power of this splring is overome,'and the armature drawn toward thain'a'gnot, giving the lcvera movcment, \vhicl'r=ilraws out the pallet` `1 ot the crutch, and
allows' theescapeinent `to more,ti'll. .arrested by the pallet jl.
wheel thus being .allowed-to more 'the distance of one tooth, and the'type-wheel the distance from one type to another, every time the oircuitthrough the magnet E is opened and closed` v On'thc front standard is agraduated dial, s',
which is shown inied outlines in tig. 1, having engraved o1' otherwise marked upon it the same letters, signs, 85o., as the types im. of the type'wheel, the'said letters and signs heilig similarly arranged; and to the axle hof the type-wheel is attached a pointer, o, which moves with' the .typefwheeh and always points to a letter or sign on the said dial, corresponding to the let-tel or sign of the type-wheel which is 'at any time opposite to a roller, F, winch is one of a pair of roll-i exs, F 14", employed to vfeed the strip ot' paper (repre-i sented by a blue outline in iig. l) on which the prnting is to be peribrxned, the said roller F also serving 'to confine the paper, to enable it to receive the impression ofthe types. .lhc portion ofthe instrument above dcseribeddoes not lcti'ect the print-ing, but simply moves the type- Thcopening oft-he eircuit'agaiu 'causes'the spring to'move "the" lever, and le'm'o'vc the pallet; j',x and cause the pallet j tn fa-ll into the .next notch of '.the wheel to that which it last lett, the escapement- -ot' a train of wheels, u 'r 'w x, the. motive-power ot` v wheel 4, of this clock-movement, the said escapecuit through vthe magnet 1*),and the roller F is althe impressions 'of the types.
wheel, to bring any desired leiter opposite the roller F. In order to give an impression, the tvpe has to be lifted up, as, whcirit arrives opposite the roller, its face is some distance therefrom, its weight causing it to i'ail in toward the centre ot' the wheel.
The lifting of -thc type. to give the impression, is performed by an armature-lever, Gr, which is arranged, in relation to a helical magnet, ll, oi. the opposite side ofthe instrument, in a similar mannerto the arrangement of the lever 1) relatively to the magnet l'l, the' magnet 11 being placed in another circuit, and the le ver G being hung ou a centre, in', andhaving a spring, n, applied, -to throw ott the armature when the circuit is open. l
That extremity ot' this lever G which is ou the epposite side vof the centre m' to the armature, has a curved metal tongue, p, attached to it. which stands dircctlybelow any type which .may happen to be un der the roller 1", and when the circuit through the magnet 1l is closed, the armature is drawn down, and the tongue p lii'ts up the type against the, paper, and makes` the impression, the type falling again by its own weight as soon as the circuit is opened, and the armature iaised by the spring n.
'lh'e point of the tongue y is adjustable, relatively t'o the le\ cr, by a screw, 221, which, as the tongue is pivoted to tue level' at 25, will raise the. point higher or lower.
The inkingr of thc types'is perihrmed by an iukingroller, I, as they are severally brought to their lowest position, by the revolution of the type-wheel.
This roller is hung on a swinging frame, J, and is -raised up to ink the type, every time the circuit through the magnet Eis closed, by the connection ot' its frame, by means ot' a rod, q, to the lever D, and when the circuit is broken, it falls into contact with a distributing-1olle1',r, in an ink-trough, r', below the base l5.
The hiking-roller is always in contact with the vtypes as they pass it, but as the pressure ofthe types is only what isdile to their weight, until the roller is raised to bring the pin 3, ofthe type, immediately over its centre, to a bearing against the inner rim s, ot' the type-wheel, the force of the, contact between the inkingroller and face of the type may not be sufiicient to ink the type until the pin 3 finds a hearing.
lhe movement of tlie rollers F11", to feed the paper, or give it the movement necessary to produce proper spaces between the successive impressions of 'the' type, Iis effected by a clock-movement, consisting which may be a spring or weight, -but in the drawing it is supposed to he aspring, `attached to the fusee y, and acting on the gearing, through cords, ruiming tol a barrel, Z, ou the axle ot' the wheel The axle t, of the roller .1", carries the escapementment-wheel havingappiicd--te it a crutch or double detent, 5 (i, which works on a fixed pivot, 8, and is connected, by a pin, 7, working in a slot, (see/tig. 1,) with the lever G.
r1`his crutch is operated bythe lever G, as the eirenit, through the magnet H, is opened and closed, in.
asimilar manner to that inv which the crutch j'j is. operated upon hy.the opening and closing'ot' the cirlowetl to move just far enough to carry the paper the proper distance to give the required space between4 'lhe roller F is kept incontact with the paper hy springs, and the paper, passingy through a slot, y, in the guide-plate K, is kept tight to the roller, by liict-ion in the slot.
` The guide-plate 1, with its slot 1,', is shown in red outline, in iig. 3, to avoid confusion ot' parts.
The rango of the levers D and G is .regulated by screws 10 1 0, screwed into the magnets, stadhuis il 11, fitted thereto.
- To explain the operation ofthe instrument, it. is supposed tn be placed in a merely local circuit, as is shown in iig, 2. rlhe explanation ot' itsv operation, in
this manner, will enable the opera-tion of the iustruments ou a telegraph-line to be readily undeicstood.
12 represents a wire, from the positive pole ol`a battery, and 13,` awire from the negative pole., said wire 13 connecting with a meta-l plate, 14, secured to a wooden base, which is provided with two springkeys lli 17, and the wire 12 connecting with a screw, 15, on the base of the telegraph-lustrument. From the screw 15, a wirc,1S, goes to the screw 19, to which, and to the screw 20, the helix of the magnet E is connected, and from the screw 20, a wire, 21, goes to the key 16. magnet H other with the screw to the key 17.
To distinguish the branches oil the circuit leading to the keys 16 and 17, the former is tinted red and the latter blue.r By depressing the key 16, to bring its point in Contact with `the plate 14, and leaving the other key, 17, out of contact, the circuit is caused to vpass through the red wire, and the helix of the typewhcel magnet E. By playing on the key 16, with the finger, to open and close the circuit the required number of times, the type-wheel may be brought to such a. position as to present any desired letter oppo site the roller F, Then, by allowing the' finger-key 16 to rise, and depressing the. key 17, the circuit passes through the blue wire, and the printing and ieediug-magnet H, causing thev paper to move along,
from which a wire, 23, goes and the type, opposite the roller F, to he lifted by 'the' curved tongue 11, and pressed against thepapcr, under the said roller, with suitioieutforce to produce the impression. Bythus playing the key 16, and moving the type-wheel to bring the proper letters, in succession, opposite to the roller` 1?, and then dcpressingthe key 17, words are printed.
To repeat must be depressedtwice,wit-hout closing the key 16.
To make the spaces between the words, the key 1U is tirst depressed, to closefthefoircuit through the inaguet H, the circuit through thc type-wheel magnet. not having been opened, when the movement ot' the lever G takes place, and the' type-wheel, consequent ly, only having moved half`the distance'necessary to bringn new type between the tongue p and the roller l", 'causes'the tongue to f'all into a space between two types, and thus renders it inoperative, but yet allows the movement of the roller F to take placeto feed the paper.
By keeping the key 16 closed, and closiugand opening the key 17, a space of any desireddeugth may be liufoduced, but for the yspaces to separa-te the words,
the key 16 needs only to be kept closed during one closing and opening movement ol` the key 17, after whieh'it may be piayed as before, to move the typewheel. A
One ofthe instruments is, of course., employed at every station of a telegraph-line, and two separa-tc wires are used, running through all the stations, one communicating with the type-wheel 'magnets oi' all the instruments, and the other with the printing and `t'eeding-magricts of all the instruments.
1i desired, a double rela-y or receiving-magnet may "be employed at each station, the two keys tooperate the instruments beingattached tothe two main wires.
Before commencing operations, it is necessary tor the operator, who is 'about to sendl a communieali 'x to sce that the pointer o, ot' his instrument, coi-re spends with the type-wheel ot' the instrument at the, station he is sending to. lf it is arrangcdihn the One end of the helix of the lso connects with the screw 15, and the two letters in the same word, the key 17 same position of the type-wheel 'shall always be adopted. before commencing operations, the whole of the instruments are sure to be in'unison. The sending-ol enter, spelling off his words by the aid ofthe pointer o, and the dial, operates the two keys, as before described, and the printing ofthe communication may be performed at any or `all of the stations on the line, as maybe desired, and tlemessage received may also .be read of from the dial s.
What is claimed as new, and desired to be secured by Letters Patent, is-v f p *1. In a telegraph-printer, a magnet for producing or controlling the impressions `actuated by electrical impulses, and situated in a main circuit, distinct fromand independent of the electrical impulses and circuit which control the movements of the'type-wheel, so
that the impressionscan be taken on the paper, indopendently of any other; operation, substantially :1s sul forth. v .f
2. A roller, ctuated bya. weight or spring, tbrfcaling the paper in combination with a. type-wheel, actuated or 'controlled by a. muguet, in one matin circuit, vand the impression-mcelmnism, substantially as spv- `ciied, actuated by a. magnet in another main circuit,
and liberating thc mechanis substantially as set forth. l GGLD 85 STOCK TELEGRAPH -By GEO. B. FIELD, President H. L. HOTCHKISS, Secretary. Witnesses;



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