USRE12401E - Bearing for car -journal-boxes - Google Patents

Bearing for car -journal-boxes Download PDF


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USRE12401E US RE12401 E USRE12401 E US RE12401E
United States
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James M. Hopkins
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  • FIG. 1 is a central vertical section of a rnal-hox and the brass and hey, the carbeing shown in elevation.
  • Fig. 2 is a plan section on the line2 2 of Fig. 1.
  • Fig. 3 is a side elevation of the brass and key as applied to an axle.
  • Fig. 4 is a transverse section of the brass and key, taken on the line a t of Figs. 1 and 3, a detail of the journal-box being shown in dotted lines.
  • Fig. 5 is aplan 6 is a bottom plan ofiew of the brass. the wedge. l ig. 7 is a side elevation o l one of the members of the Wedge.
  • Fig. 8 is a detail on the line 8 8 of Fi 6 Figs. 9 to show a modified form of construction, Fig.
  • Fig. 10 is a transverse section on the line 10 10 of Fig. 9.
  • Fig. 11 is a side elevation of the slidahle member, and
  • Fig. 12 is a plan View oi? the brass.
  • the journalsnabbox ill and the car-axle ll. are of oriilinary construction and form no part of the present invention.
  • the brass 12 is adapted to fit between the shoulder 16, formed on the axle, and the flange 15 at the end thereof when such flange is present and is shown as having lateral longitudinal flanges at its lower
  • the key or wedge interposed between the and the parallel plate of the journalbox is composed ofanupper member '13 and a lower men'iber i l, the former fitting between the side walls of the box. so as to be incapable of lateral movement.
  • the brass is provided with lateral lugs 17 17, adapted to bear against Y -longitndinal movement.
  • the top of the brass is made fiat and smooth and the lower member 14 of the key is htted thereto as a saddle, being provided with one h side, which engage the inclined downwardly-projecting wing-pieces at i w lateral play of the two, while permitting free
  • tl'iere is a change in the angelar relation in vertical plane of the brass and upper member of the key, so as to tend to throw the weight to one cud of the member 1 the latter will he moved longitudinally in the opposite direction by a wedge action, thus allowing the mel'nbers l2 and 13 to approach each other at the end at which there is a pre 'ionderance of weight, while int-erposing between the separated ends of these members the thicker portion oi" the intermediate member 1 so that there at all times a wide distribution of the load.
  • the construction hereinbefore described is adapted to the requirements as to dimensions of the Master Car-Builders Association.
  • the hereinafter-described modification involves a slight increase of the distance betweee t'he journal-bearing face of the brass andthe' inner' surface of the top of the journal box in order that the parts may not be weakened.
  • the upper member of the wedge 13 is of the same form as, in the construction already described, but the lower member of the wedge, which is here designated at 14, is double convex, the curvature extending longitudinally, or, in other words, being segments of a cylinder.
  • the brass 12 difiers from the brass 12 only in that its upper surface concave, adapted to thecurvcd under surface of the lower member of the wedge.
  • a brass having a fiat upper surface, and a key comprising an upper member adapted to rehalve the bearing-surface of a journahbox and hing longitudinally-concave lower face, and a lower member interposed between the upper member and the brass and having its interlock and to so engage aljournal-box that neither is capable of material longitudinal movem nt, an intermediate key member havinga net bottom -lace and a longitudinallyconvex top face, the faces of the two firstmentioned members which contactwith such third member conforming thereto and being in sliding engagement therewith.
  • a car-journal bearing in combination, a brass adapted to engage the walls of a jourcal-box to limit its backward movement, a
  • wedge member adapted to engage a journalbox to limit its forward movement, such brass and wedge member interlocking intermediate or" to ends to limit their forward and rear-.
  • a brass a member siidable thereupon-and bav- I ing pendent lateral flanges. and having its upper face longitud nally convex; and a wedge member hav ng itslower face concave complementary to the convex face of the slidable member and being adapted to engage the top wall of a journal-box.
  • a brass,'a wedge member adapted to it within the top of a journal-box seas to be incapable of angular movement relatively thereto, and .a slid'able: member interposed between the brass and wedge member and engaging both to prevent their relative angular movement in a horizontal plane.
  • a car-journal bearin and a Wedge device comprising an element capable of a rocking motion relative to the bearing, such bearing having projecting lugs at its sides engaging the rocking Wedge mem- 5 her.
  • a car-journal bearing and a Wedge device comprising an-element capable of a rocking motion relative to the bearing, such bearing having lateral flanges and lugs rising therefrom for engaging the rocking Wedge member.
  • a car-journal bearin and a Wedge device comprising a member ca-- pable of a rocking motion relative to the bearrocking Wedge member.


REISSUED NOV. 7, 1905.
WI K ML Win REISSUED Nov. 7, 1905.
No. 12,401. I V I REISSUED NOV. 7, 1905.
Specification of Reissued Letters latent.
Reissued. Nov. '7, 1905.
Qriginal No. 663,094, dated December t, 1900. Application for reissue filed February 6, 1903. Serial No. 142,232.
To all wltmnit may concern.-
Be it known that 1, JAMES M. HOPKINS, a citizen of the United States, and a resident of Chicago, county ofCook, and State of Illinois, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Bearings for Car Journal-Boxes, of which-the following is a specification, and which are illustrated in the accompanying drawings, forming a part thereof.
This invention has forits object to improve upon the construction of the brass and wedge or key employed in car journal-boxes; and it consists in the construction hereinafter fully described, and illustrated in the accompanying drawings, in which- Figure 1 is a central vertical section of a rnal-hox and the brass and hey, the carbeing shown in elevation. Fig. 2 is a plan section on the line2 2 of Fig. 1. Fig. 3 is a side elevation of the brass and key as applied to an axle. Fig. 4 is a transverse section of the brass and key, taken on the line a t of Figs. 1 and 3, a detail of the journal-box being shown in dotted lines. Fig. 5 is aplan 6 is a bottom plan ofiew of the brass. the wedge. l ig. 7 is a side elevation o l one of the members of the Wedge. Fig. 8 is a detail on the line 8 8 of Fi 6 Figs. 9 to show a modified form of construction, Fig.
9 beluga detail longitudinal central section through journal-box and the brass and wedge. Fig. 10 is a transverse section on the line 10 10 of Fig. 9. Fig. 11 is a side elevation of the slidahle member, and Fig. 12 is a plan View oi? the brass.
The journabbox ill and the car-axle ll. are of oriilinary construction and form no part of the present invention. The brass 12 is adapted to fit between the shoulder 16, formed on the axle, and the flange 15 at the end thereof when such flange is present and is shown as having lateral longitudinal flanges at its lower The key or wedge interposed between the and the parallel plate of the journalbox is composed ofanupper member '13 and a lower men'iber i l, the former fitting between the side walls of the box. so as to be incapable of lateral movement. The brass is provided with lateral lugs 17 17, adapted to bear against Y -longitndinal movement.
ment with reference to the box. The front end of the upper member 13 of thewedgo abuts against a depending lug 19 at the forward end. of the top plate of the, journal-box, and this member is provided with downwardly-projecting lugs 20, one at each side, adapted to bear against the front face of upstanding lugs 21, formed on the brass 12. It follows, therefore,
that the brass and the upper member of the wedge are locked against any material forward movement relatively as to each other or as to the journal-box. The construction described provides for the anchoring, subject to slight play, of the brass to the axle and the wedge or key to the box and the interlocking of brass and wedge. While it is necessary to thus prevent any material. longitudinal movement oi" the car-axle with reference to the journal-box, it is equally necessary to provide for the changes of the angular relation of these parts U in a vertical plane parallel with the axle, due to the swaying of the car or any unevenness of the track, and particularly to provide for a proper transmission of the weight of the car-body to the axle whatever may be the angular relation of the latter with the box in this plane. I
In the structure herein shown and described the top of the brass is made fiat and smooth and the lower member 14 of the key is htted thereto as a saddle, being provided with one h side, which engage the inclined downwardly-projecting wing-pieces at i w lateral play of the two, while permitting free The upper face of longitudinally convex, and
the member let is i the lower face of the upper member 13 of the key is longitudinally concave Wild] a correspondingcurvature. If, therefore, tl'iere is a change in the angelar relation in vertical plane of the brass and upper member of the key, so as to tend to throw the weight to one cud of the member 1 the latter will he moved longitudinally in the opposite direction by a wedge action, thus allowing the mel'nbers l2 and 13 to approach each other at the end at which there is a pre 'ionderance of weight, while int-erposing between the separated ends of these members the thicker portion oi" the intermediate member 1 so that there at all times a wide distribution of the load. As
s of the brass, and thereby prevent any,
erenceto the member 13.
soon as the parts 12 and 13 are restored to the parallel relation the intermediate member 1% slides backwardly by a shifting of the burden toward its opposite end, and hence there is an entire absence of undue straining of the parts. For the purpose of preventing the. two mem-- bers l3 and 1t of the key from parting company when not in use it is desirable to set a rivet 23 through one of these members, proriding a longitudinal siot in the other for it tion,the length of these recessesbeingsuflicient to allow all necessary play of the movable member, While the length of the slot in the member 13, which accommodates the rivet 23, is such that the lugs 24 will prevent the rivet from reaching the end of a slot:
The construction hereinbefore described is adapted to the requirements as to dimensions of the Master Car-Builders Association. The hereinafter-described modification involves a slight increase of the distance betweee t'he journal-bearing face of the brass andthe' inner' surface of the top of the journal box in order that the parts may not be weakened. In this form of construction the upper member of the wedge 13 is of the same form as, in the construction already described, but the lower member of the wedge, which is here designated at 14, is double convex, the curvature extending longitudinally, or, in other words, being segments of a cylinder. The brass 12 difiers from the brass 12 only in that its upper surface concave, adapted to thecurvcd under surface of the lower member of the wedge. In order that the brass may not be weakened, its body is somewhat thickened, and to prevent the member 14 from lateral movement with reference to the brass the recess of the latter (shown at 25) is DI'OVlLlOCl with side walls 26. The action of the device thus constructed is the same as in that previously described.
- The const uction he rein shown and described not only provides for a more perfect action than any dev -e of this 0 ass which has heretofore been in "urn, but it is also more simple and cheaper than any device heretofore used.
I claim as my invention- 1. In a car-journal bearing, in combination, a brass having a fiat upper surface, and a key comprising an upper member adapted to rehalve the bearing-surface of a journahbox and hing longitudinally-concave lower face, and a lower member interposed between the upper member and the brass and having its interlock and to so engage aljournal-box that neither is capable of material longitudinal movem nt, an intermediate key member havinga net bottom -lace and a longitudinallyconvex top face, the faces of the two firstmentioned members which contactwith such third member conforming thereto and being in sliding engagement therewith.
. 3. Inacar-journal bearing, thecombination, with a brass and a key member, each adapted to be fixed against material longitudinal mo vement, of a second key member interposed directly between such two first-mentioned members and having a longitudinally-convex face and being capable of free longitudinal n1ove merit, the meeting faces of the three members conforming each to the other.
- 4:; In (tear-journal bearing, in combination, a brass and a wedge. member adapted to vary their angular relation in vertical plane, and a slidable member interposed therebetween, the wedge member being adapted to engage a journal-box to prevent its forward movement,
the brass being adapted to engage a journal-- box to prevent its backward movement, and the wedge and brass being interengaged to prevent the backward movement of the for mer and the forward movement of the latter. 5. a car-journal bearing, in combination, a brass adapted to engage the walls of a jourcal-box to limit its backward movement, a
wedge member adapted to engage a journalbox to limit its forward movement, such brass and wedge member interlocking intermediate or" to ends to limit their forward and rear-.
ward movement respectively, but to permit them to change their angular relation longitudinall-y; and a slidable member interposed between the brass and wedge member.
6. In a car-journal bearing, in combination,
a brass; a member siidable thereupon-and bav- I ing pendent lateral flanges. and having its upper face longitud nally convex; and a wedge member hav ng itslower face concave complementary to the convex face of the slidable member and being adapted to engage the top wall of a journal-box.
7. In a car-journal bearing, in combination,
a brass,'a wedge member adapted to it within the top of a journal-box seas to be incapable of angular movement relatively thereto, and .a slid'able: member interposed between the brass and wedge member and engaging both to prevent their relative angular movement in a horizontal plane.
8. .In combination, a car-journal bearin and a Wedge device comprising an element capable of a rocking motion relative to the bearing, such bearing having projecting lugs at its sides engaging the rocking Wedge mem- 5 her.
9. In combination, a car-journal bearing, and a Wedge device comprising an-element capable of a rocking motion relative to the bearing, such bearing having lateral flanges and lugs rising therefrom for engaging the rocking Wedge member.
10. In combination, a car-journal bearin and a Wedge device comprising a member ca-- pable of a rocking motion relative to the bearrocking Wedge member.



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