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USRE12137E US RE12137 E USRE12137 E US RE12137E
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Allen De Vilbiss
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No.1z,137. x REIssUEnJULY 28,1903.
A. DE vILBIss, Jn. 1
No. una?.
UNITED STATES E PATENT .seemed .rui-yes. Iena.
SPECIFICATION forming pm of ReisadLeae'r. Patent No. 12,137, dated July eefi'sos. Original No. 64I-9.916, dated Hay 22,l 1900. Application for reiuueilled November 16', 1901. Serial No. 82.576.V
.To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that I, ALLEN DE VILBISS, J r.,- a citizen of the United States, residing at` Toledo, in the county of Lucas and State of Ohio, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Scales, of. which the following is a description, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, formingpart'of this specification. f
My invention relates io vand has for 'its object the improvement of what are commonly known'as computing or price scales, being scales which indicate not only `the weight of 'the article or commodity being 15 weighed, but also its value at any given rate per pound- (or other unit ofweight) within the capacity of the scale.
Iu the accompanyingv drawings, Figure'l represents a front elevation of my improved zo scale; Fig.,2, a corresponding view with the housing or casing in section exposing the parts within, and Fig. 3y a vertical cross-section on the line 3 3 of lFig. 2.
The same letters of reference represent corresponding parts in the several views. B represents a housing or case of suitable sha e secured u on the base B near one end thereof, and having its front side or wall provided in its upper portion with an opening B", 3o through which is `exposed toview the pricecomputing table L, secured within thehousing. Coperating with this table is'the upper end of an indexhand H, whose lower end l is rigidly secured to a disk D", provided upon its opposite sideswith knife-edge projections D', resting in suitablefbearings E uponthe front and rear walls of the housing,'Fi`gs. 2
" and 3, Rgidly secured to and depending vertically from the under side of` the disk D 4o 'is a pendulum D, provided witha weight .L at its lower end. The index-hand H projects from the d isk D" at an angle to the pendulum' D, so that when the latter hangs in its normal vertical position thefppper endofl the in- 45 deg-hand will extend across the left-hand end 'ofthe computing-table L, as shown, and when the lower vend of the'pendulum` is swung to the left the upper end of the hand H. willbe y moved to the right over the table L.; Thel 5e housing B is provided with an opening S in `vided with tivo divergent supporting-arms value is to be computed is placed upon the dulum D to the'left from its normal vertical its left side, Fig. 2, through which the pendulum may swing.
Mounted upon the base B' near its right-4 hand end is va scale-beam support C', 'pro'-` C", whose upper en ds are suitably shaped to fornisupporting-bearings for knife-edge projectionsa on the scale-beam A, Figs. 2 andy 3.
' The scale-.beam A is forked or formed of two opposite members lat its right-hand end em- 6o bracing the supporting-arms C, as shown, while at its left-hand'end it extends through a vertical opening in theright-hand s'ide wall of the housing` B and has connected to it the lower end of a link F, whose upper end is connected to the disk D" at a point on one side of'and above the pivotal support D' of said disk, the disk in the present instance being provided with a projecting knife-edge or pivot N, over which hooks the upper end of the link F. y Supported upon the scale-beam A by knifeedge bearings C, at a point to the left ofbut adjacent the fulcruIn-support a of said beam, is the standard M of t-he scale-platform (orv pan) R, said platform in n ddition to beingsupported upon the scale-beam A being guided in its vertical movements and held from lat-W eral displacement bythe usual means within the support C. (Shown in the dotted lines in Figs. 1 and 2.)-
' As will be understood from the above-described construction, when the article or commodit y which-is to be weighed and whose platform B its weight willtend to depress the left-hand end of the scale-beam A, and thereby through the connection of said beamiwith the disk D by the-link F to swing the pen- Y 9o position and move the. upper end of the indexhand H'to the -ri'g'ht over the computingtable Lythe-weight and rleverage of the pendulum servingto automatically counterbalance the weight of the `article `placed upon the platform and. cause the index-hand to come' to rest at a point upon the table'L determined by ,the Aweight of such article. This table'Lis curved in the are of a circle concentric tothe pivotal support of the index-i Io'o ssV 4 hand'H and is provided with a plurality of cnrvedlines separating it into a' plurality of curved spaces, of which five are in the present instance show'n in the drawings. The ,uppermost one of said spaces (marked U) is lgraduated and numbered to indicate units of weight and fractions thereofin the present instance pounds and half-pounds from one toL tive. The remaining spaces are graduated and numbered to indicate the values of diffV pound, and the uppermost one of the four spaces at six cents per pound. These prices per pound are indicated by numbers yplaced upon-the index-hand H in line with the respective curved spaces mentioned, and the construction and adjustment and coperation of the several parts of the scale are such that when the hand H is swung to the right over the table L to any given point by the weight of the article or commodity placed upon the platform-R the value of such article at any of the prices per pound indicated upon the index-hand H will beshown in the corresponding curved space upon the table L at a pointimmediately adjacent saidhand, while its weight willbe shown in the uppermost curved space U. In the presentinstance the hand H is provided with a series of notches o1' openings adjacent the respective numbers upon it, through which the graduations and numbers upon lthe table L lnay be read.
For the purpose of counterbalanci'ng the .weightofthe index-hand'H the disk D" is provided upon its side opposite 'said hand with a projectingscrew h', upon which is mounted an adjustable counterb'alancingweight h", while to counterbalance the weight of the link F the diskD" is provided at a point diametrically opposite the link-pivot N' with a second projecting screw N", upon which is mounted -an adjustablecounterbalancing-weight n;
To permit commodities to be weighed in receptacles placed upon the platform-R and their weight and valu'e to be properly indicated upon the computingtable notwithstanding the additional weight of such recep tacles', I provide the main scale-beam A with a tare-beam A', upon which is lmounted a tare-poise a'. This tare-beam is made of considerable length, extending beyond the'ful-V crum of the lnain beam, as shown in Fig. 1, in order to aiord a large vspace for each unit of weight and in the present instance is graduated land numbered to indicate pounds and half-pounds from one to ve t0 I'correspond with the graduations in the space U on the table L. When the tare-poise a is in its lefthand or normal position, Figs. 1 and 2, the
main scale-beam is exactly balanced and theindex-hand Hrestsin the position shown upon the computing-table L. v Vhen areceptacle is placed upon the platform R preparatory to placing something insaid receptacle to be weighed, the left-hand end of the `scale-beam Awill be depressed by the weight of such receptacle and the index-hand H swung to 'the right over the table L, indicating the weight of such receptacle in the space U; but by then sliding the tare-poise a' to the `right alongl the ltare-beam A to a point or graduation corresponding to such weight indication the main scale-beam may be agaimbalancedA and the I index-hand H brought back to normal position at the left-hand end of the computing-table, whereupon the commodity to be weighed in the receptacle may be placed in the latter and its weight and value be read upon the computing-table in the same manner as if it were placed directly upon the platform R.
To arrest the vibrations of the scale-beam A, and consequently of the index-hand H, and cause the latter to speedily come to rest at the proper point upon the table L after the article to be weighed has been placed upon the platform R, or after the poise a' has been adjusted upon the tare-beam A', I provide a dash-pot-arresting device comprising an upright dash-,pot or cylinder Z., located within the base of the housing B and containing oil.
or other suitable iiuid, in which moves a piston Z", whose rod Z' is connected at its upper end tothe scale-beam A adjacent the point-l of connection of the latter with the loweriend of the link F, as shown in Fig. 2.
As will be understood from the foregoing I.
description, the operation of weighing and computing the value of any article or commodity which maybe placed directly upon the platform R ( the usual scale pan or scoo which may be substituted for said platform consists simply in placing such article or commodity upon said platform, whereupon both its weight and vvalue will be instantly and automatically indicated upon the'compitting-table L, while if the. commodity to be weighed requires a special receptacle for it upon the scale-platform theweight of such receptacle may be tiret counterbalanced `by means of the poise upon the tare-beam,Where-.
upon the placing of the article or commodity in said receptacle will cause its weight and value to be at once automatically indicated yupon the computing-table. Likewise if instead of employing the scale to .indicate the weightand value of a given article 'or a given quantity of any comL.odity it,be desired to employ it for the purpose yol! weighing ont the proper quantity of a commodity to be furlosv nished for a given amount of money at a given f rate per pound it is simply necessary to place upon the scale-platform a sufficient quantity of such commodity to move the index-hand H f over the table L until it 'reaches the gradua-` tion indicating such amount of money in the J particular curved space corresponding tothe given rate per pound. In both-casesthe weighing and computing operation is entirely automatic, simply requiring'the placing of the article or commodity upon the scale-platform. r i
Having thus described my invention, I claim` 1. In acomputing-scale, the combination of a price-computing table Lprovided-withl the graduations and numbers indicating the value of ditierent quantities of commodities t at different prices per pound, theindcx-hand H pivoted at one end and coperating at'its opposite end with the table L and provided with the series of numbers indicating prices per pound, the vertically-depending weighted pendulum D connected at its upper endv with the index-hand H and moving in unison therewith, a single'scale-beam A fulcrumed near its outer end upon a suitable support at a and having its inner endA connected with the index-hand H and pendulum D by the link F, and the platform R supported entirely upon said single beam A between the fulcrum a andthe link F; substantally as described.
2. In a computing-scale, the combination of the price-computing table L provided with the graduations and numbers indicating the value of derent quantities of commodities at diierent prices per pound, theindex-hand4 H pivoted at one end and coperating'at its opposite end with lthel table L and provided with a series of numbers indicating different prices per pound, the vertically-depending weighted pendulum D connected at its np- 'perend with the index-hand H Aand moving in unisontherewith, a single scale-beam A lfulcrumed near its outer end upon a suitable support at a and having its inner end connected with the index-hand H and pendulum D by the link F, the platform R snp- 'ported entirely upon the single beam A be` tween its fulcrum aand thelink F, the dashpot Z and the piston Z" moving therein and having its rod Z' connected t'o a moving part ofthe scale mechanism; substantiallyas and for the purposeset forth.
3.` In a computing-scale, the combination of the price-computing table L provided with the graduations and numbers indicating the value of different quantities of commodities at diilerent prices per pound, the index-hand H pivoted at one end and coperating at its opposite end with the table L and provided with the series of numbers indicating different prices per pound, the vertically-depending weighted pendulum 'D rigidly connected .at its upper end with the index-hand H and moving in unison therewith, thescale-beam A fulcrumed near lits outer end upon a suitable support at a and having its inner end connected with' the index-hand H and pendulum D by 'the link F, `the platform R mounted on the-beam Apbetween its f ulcrum a and the -link F, the tare-beam A carried "bythe scale-beam A in front of land par nel within@ same, and the poise, a' moimtea on said tare-beam, substantially as the purpose described.l
4. In a computing-scale, the combination and `for of the price-computing table L provided with the graduations and numbers indicating thc value of different quantities of commoditiesat different prices per pound, the indexmand H'pivoted at one end and copeF-ating at its otherwilh the table-L and provided with the series of numbers indicating diflerent prices per pound, the weighted pendulum D rigidly connectedat its upper end with the index-hand H and moving, in unison therewith, the yscale-beam A fulcrumed near its outer end upon a suitable support at a and having its inner end connected with the /index hand H and pendulum D, the platform R mounted onthe beam A between its fulcrum a and the link F, the .tare-.beam
A carried by the scale-beam A, the poise a' mounted on said tare-beam, the dash-pot Z, and the piston Z" moving therein and having its rod Z' connected to the scale-beam A for arresting the vibration ofthe scale-beam after movement of the poise a' upon the tarebeam and also after the placing `of the commodity 'to be weighed upon tle platform or in the receptacle thereon;' substantially as described.
5. In a computing-scale/the combination of a price-computing table L provided with graduations and numbers indicating the values of different quantities of commodities at different prices penponnd, the disk or hub D" provided with the knife-edge trnn'nions D projecting from` its front and rear sides and resting in supporting-bearings E, the index-handH rigidly secured at its lower end to the disk D" and at its upper end coperat- IDO lo5 i ing with the table L and provided with a se'- v ries of numbers indicating pricesper pound,
the vertically-depending weighted pendulum D rigidly secured at its upper end'to the disk D, the link-pivot N carried` by the disk D" and normally standing at a point above the pivotal axis of the latter, means carried by the disk D" for counterbalancing the weight of the yindex-headH and link-pivot N, the scale-beam A fulcrumed near its outer end upon a suitable support at a and connected at its inner end with the link-pivot N by the' link F, and the platform R mounted on the beam A between the fulcrum aandthe link F; substantially as described.
6. In a computing-scale, theicombination of a price-computing table L` provided with graduations and numbers indicating the values of different quantities of commodities at dierent prices per pound, the disk or hub D provided with the knife-edge trunnions D' projecting from its fronttand rear sides and resting. in supporting-bearings E, the indexhand H rigidly secured at its lower end to the disk D" and at its upper end coperating with the Vtable L yand provided with aseries of numbers indicating prices per pound, the
'5 pivotal axis of the latter, means carried by the disk D" for-counterbalancing the weight of the index-hand H and link-pivot N, the scale-beam-A fnlcrnmed near its louter vend -upon a suitable support at a and connected le at its inner end with the link-pivot-N by the link F, the platform R mounted on vthe beam A between the fnlcrum a. and the link F, the dash-pot Z and the piston Z moving therein and having the upper end of its rod Z' connected to the scale-beamA adjacent the link F; substantially as and for the purpose described. f
7. In a computing-scale, the combination of a price-computing table L providedwith .zo gradluatio'ns and numbers indicating the values of different quantities of commodities atdilerentprices per pound, the disk or hub D provided with the knife-edge trunnions D." projecting from its front and rear sides a 5 and resting in supporting-bearings E, the index-,hand H rigidly secured at its lower end to the disk AD"a.nd at its upper end coperating with the table L and provided with a series of numbers indicating prices per pound, f 3o the vertically-depending weighted pendulum D rigidly secured at ts upper end to the disk D, the link-pivot N carried bythe disk D" and normally standing at a point above the pivotal` axis of the latter, means carried by l the disk D.for counterbalancing the weight of theindex-hand H and link-pivot N, the scale-beam A fulcrumed near its outer end upon a suitablev support at a an'd connected at its inner end with the link-pivot N by the 4o link F',the platform R mounted ou the beam A between'sthe fnlcrum a and the link F, the tare-beam A' mounted on the scale-beam A,
and 'the prise a' mounted on said tare-beam;
substantially as and for the 4purpose de.
` 8. In a computing-scalmthe combination of-a price-computing table L lprovided with graduations land numbers indicating the values of diEerent quantities of commodities 5o at diderent prices per pound, the disk or hub D" provided with the knife-edge trunnions D projecting from its front and rear sides and resting in supporting-bearings E," the index- ;fhand H rigidly secured at its lower end to the disk D" and at lts upper end coperating with the table L and provided with aseries of numbers indicating prices per pound, the vertically-depending weighted` pendulum D rigdly'secured atits upper endto the disk D",
6o the link-pivot N carried by the disk D" and normally standing at a point above the pivotal axis of the latter, means carried by the disk D" for counterbalancing'the weight of the index-hand H and link-'pivot N, the scalebeam A-fnlcrumed near its outer end upon a I suitable support ata and connected at its inner end with the link-pivot N by the link F, the platform R mountedl on the beam Abetween the fulcrum a. and the link F, the tare# beam A' mounted on the scale-beam A, the poise a mounted on said tare-beam, the dashpot Z, and the piston Z" moving therein, and having the upper end of its rod Z' connected to the scale-beam adjacent the link F; substantially as and for the purpose setforth.
9. The herein -described computing-scale comprising the base B', the housing B mountned thereon near one end and provided in its upper portion with the opening B", the pricecomputing. table L located within the housing B and exposed to view through said opening, the disk D pivotally supported in the housing B, the index-hand H rigidly secured at its lower end to the disk D" and coperating at its upper end lwith the price-computing table L, the weigh-ted pendulum Drigidly secured at its upper end vto the disk D", the scale-beam support C C" mounted upon the opposite end of the base B from the housing B, the scale-beam A fulcrnmed thereon at a, the link F connecting the opposite lend of the beam A with thedisk D", means on saiddisk for connterbalancing` the weight of the link F and index-hand H, the platform R mounted on the beam A between its fulcrum a and the link F, the dash-pot Z and the piston Z moving therein and'having the upper end of its rod Z connected tothe beam A adjacent the link F; substantially as described.
10. Inascale,the'combinationwith the`cen' tral pivot, a disk mounted'thereon and having a pendulum 4hanging normally vertical, and an index standing normallyjobliqne, a link-pivot connected with this disk and at a point normally above said central pivot, a screw projecting 7from the disk opposite the link-pivot and a counterbalancing-weight ad-A justable on this screw; of a table'with which the indexcoacts, -a beam mounted on a ful? lcrum, a pan or platform, and a link connecting said beam with the link-pivot, all substantially as and for the purpose set forth.
11. In a scale, the combination" with the housing having bearings, a disk having a central pivot'mounted-'thereim a pendulum hanging normally vertical from the disk, an index standing normally oblique to this pendulum, a link-pivot connected to the disk and normallyabove its central pivot, screws projecting frorirthe disk, and corunterbalanc` ing-weights adjustable on said screws; of a form, and a link connecting the beam with` the links-pivot, all substantially as described.
bealn mounted ona fulcrum, al pan or plat-



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