USRE11373E - Hamilton augustus jukes - Google Patents

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USRE11373E US RE11373 E USRE11373 E US RE11373E
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Hamilton Augustus Jukes
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  • My invention relates' to improvements in dry earth or ashes 'olosets, whereby the use of earth or ashes after each stool may be dispensed with; but to insure cleanliness and ease in emptyingy excl-ement care should be taken to place sonne dry earth or ashes in eX- crement'buC-ket before using, all odor and foul gases being earried oli' by a free current of air passing through closet at all times.
  • This closet can be set up in any roorn in a house having a chimney/@hole or stovepipe passing through it and is readily movable from one room to another at any time.
  • l tain this object by 'the mechanism illustrated in the aceoinpanying drawings, in which- Figure l is a. 'vertical section oi' device eulbodying my invention.
  • Fig. 2 is a perspective View of bucket i3.
  • Fig. 3 is a perspeetive View ol' dry closet or commode closed,
  • A is a box having top or seat D, with suitable openiinf.
  • o isa hinged lid or cover.
  • d is a hinged door having an aperture u, as shown.
  • e is an openingin rearot box above bucket B, through which enters the pipe l), which pipe is to be connected with any stovepipe or chimneydiolo in order to create a draft.
  • D is a bucket for exorement, having;r an overhanging lip or turn-every', handle f, and lng or pull.
  • y. (j is a bucket for urine, having handle /c and lug or pull m. These boekets lit snugly into box, leaving room lor air ipass all aronndtro/nt and sides and out over top, 'B having aenrled lip, under which (.3 slips, preventing any leakage between, both buckets being higher in front than in rear and sloping gradually back from top ol' front of closet to just below nolo e, where hipo i) enters, both buckets being narrower at bottom than at top,1;hus aliowing snaee for lian-- dlefa-nd lugl g between buckets, always i11- surinel cleanliness, urine-bucket C being purposely made high in front in order to prevent any escape of urine, door d when latehed fitting
  • the por-table ventilated commode comprising the close lidded stool-box, having Ithe pivoted front wall or door and provided with a draft-pipe and air inlet, the ⁇ pair of 'forwardly flaring buckets of'unequalheighhhaving rearwardly sloping mouths, working the higher in front of the lower, closely fitting the box and provided with spacing devices at their sides, the said buckets being removable through and adapted to be locked into their proper working position by said pivotedy wall or door, substantially as described.


1:1. A. JUKES. f DRY GLOSET 0R GOMMODE. No. 11,373. Reissued Oct. 10, 1893.
SPECIFICATKN forming part of Reissueci Letters Patent No. 11,373, dated cto'ber l0, 1893.
Original lio. 479,732, dated July 26, 1892. Application for reissue filed February 10, 1898. Serial No. 461,839-
Be it known that l', HAMTLTON AUGUSTUS JUKES, a subject ot` lier Majesty the Queen oi England, residiniclA at WinnipegJ in the Prorinee of Manitoba, Dominion of Cana.da,havo invented a new and useful D ry Closet or Commode, of which the followingr is a specification.
My invention relates' to improvements in dry earth or ashes 'olosets, whereby the use of earth or ashes after each stool may be dispensed with; but to insure cleanliness and ease in emptyingy excl-ement care should be taken to place sonne dry earth or ashes in eX- crement'buC-ket before using, all odor and foul gases being earried oli' by a free current of air passing through closet at all times.
This closet can be set up in any roorn in a house having a chimney/@hole or stovepipe passing through it and is readily movable from one room to another at any time. l tain this object by 'the mechanism illustrated in the aceoinpanying drawings, in which- Figure l is a. 'vertical section oi' device eulbodying my invention. Fig. 2 is a perspective View of bucket i3. Fig. 3 is a perspeetive View ol' dry closet or commode closed,
Similar letters referto similar partsth rough4 out. the several views.
A is a box having top or seat D, with suitable openiinf.
o isa hinged lid or cover.
d is a hinged door having an aperture u, as shown.
e is an openingin rearot box above bucket B, through which enters the pipe l), which pipe is to be connected with any stovepipe or chimneydiolo in order to create a draft.
D is a bucket for exorement, having;r an overhanging lip or turn-every', handle f, and lng or pull. y. (j is a bucket for urine, having handle /c and lug or pull m. These boekets lit snugly into box, leaving room lor air ipass all aronndtro/nt and sides and out over top, 'B having aenrled lip, under which (.3 slips, preventing any leakage between, both buckets being higher in front than in rear and sloping gradually back from top ol' front of closet to just below nolo e, where hipo i) enters, both buckets being narrower at bottom than at top,1;hus aliowing snaee for lian-- dlefa-nd lugl g between buckets, always i11- surinel cleanliness, urine-bucket C being purposely made high in front in order to prevent any escape of urine, door d when latehed fitting close up against bucket at top and lug 'm at bottom, always forcing buckets into position and retaining them there.
The separation of the exerement and uri-ne, effected 'oy the use of two buckets, prevents 'the production of the large volume of gases, which would otherwise be formed by the mixture. This separation, therefore, greatly rcduces the work ot' ventilation. iienco, the comparatively small volume of gases and foul odors from the separat-ed matter may be read ily carried oil by the excess draft available from even a small stove pipe or ilue, without materially interfering with the fire.
The fact that the month of the draft pipe D is at the'rear or the stove-box A and near 'the seat ievel, and that the buckets l, C, are et unequal height with rearwardly sloping mouths, working, as shown, with the urine o1' higher bucket in front ot the lower or excrernent boeket, affords an increasing rearward clearance for the gases and air movingT t0- ward the draft-pipe. This insures thedireot outflow oi the gases and air into the draftpipe. lt also enablcsthe front margin of the urine boeket C to be extended upward close to the under surface of the scat rim, for preventing the escape of the urine at that point, without interfering with the rearward escapo ot the gases. 'i'heso are important features of the eonstrnction, in a practical point'ef view.
'l`he fact that the buckets are narrower at their bottoms than at their tops, iroln front to rear; or otherwise stated, have forwardly ilaring; wails insures a close joint between the meeting margins of the bucket mouths and .ailords an airspace between thobndics of the two buckets and between the front wadl of tho boxv and the front walloi the i'rnntlnieket.
'iho handlcsf, ltnfatod as shown, serve as spacing devices to hold the shit-soi' 1in-linut? ets out of Contact with tho sidinl' tho box, thus affording an :tir-slmcoat ille fides df iho init-kots. in virtue ol` those (mit nrw, ot I-onstrnotion, for spacfint;` the luivltvls and iho unequal I neiehts and therenrvuirdiy `doping tops of the buckets, air entering through the inlet c, is bound to completely envelop the front and sides of the buckets and pass over the open mouths ot' the same, in its course to the draft-pipe. A
The relative sizes of the box A and the buckets B C and the action of the door, d, on the buckets, insure the accurate positioning of the buckets,so that there can be no discharge into the box.
Experience has demonstrated that a commode constructed asherei'n shown and described Will not permit the escape of any odors or gases into the room, but on the contrary, will so thoroughly exhaust the same into the stovepipe or chimneythat the buckets only need be emptied when completely filled.
What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is
l. The por-table ventilated commode, comprising the close lidded stool-box, having Ithe pivoted front wall or door and provided with a draft-pipe and air inlet, the` pair of 'forwardly flaring buckets of'unequalheighhhaving rearwardly sloping mouths, working the higher in front of the lower, closely fitting the box and provided with spacing devices at their sides, the said buckets being removable through and adapted to be locked into their proper working position by said pivotedy wall or door, substantially as described.
2. The combination, in a dry closet or commode, of the box A, with the opening e in rear,the seat b,with suitable opening, hinged lida, hingeddoor d, with aperture cv in or below the door, the bucket B, with overhanging lip j, handle f, and lug g, the bucket C; with handle la and lug, m, and the pipe D, entering dry closet through aperture e to con neet with stovepipe or iue, substantially as set forth.
In testimony whereof I aix my signature in the presence of twoiwitnesscs.



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