USD97781S - Design fob a clock case - Google Patents

Design fob a clock case Download PDF


Publication number
USD97781S US D97781 S USD97781 S US D97781S
United States
Prior art keywords
clock case
design fob
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Application number
Raymond E. Fatten
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Des. 97,781
R. E. PATTEN Dec. 10, 1935.
CLOCK CASE Filed Oct. 22, 1935 Inventor Rak mond EPatten, 7 w by was Attorney:
Patented Dec. 10, 1935 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A CLOCK CASE Raymond E. Patten, Bridgeport, 0onn., assignor to General Electric Company, a. corporation of New York Application October 22, 1935, Serial No. 59,165
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: is a front view of a clock case showing my new Be it knonw that I, Raymond E. Patten, a citidesign, and Fig. 2 is a side view thereof.
zen of the United States, residing at Bridgeport, I claim:
county of Fairfield, State of Connecticut, have The ornamental design for a clock case as invented a new, original, and ornamental Design shown.
for a Clock Case, of which the following is a In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my specification, reference being had to the accomhand this 17th day of October, 1935.
panying drawing, forming a part thereof. Fig. 1 RAYMOND E. PA'I'IEN.



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