USD91085S - Design for a clock case - Google Patents

Design for a clock case Download PDF


Publication number
USD91085S US D91085 S USD91085 S US D91085S
United States
Prior art keywords
clock case
new york
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John P. Rainbault
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Nov. 21, 1933. I J RAINBAULT Des. 91,085
CLOCK CASE Filed Sept. 14, 1933 Inventor: John F.Rainbault,
His Attorney.
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A CLOCK CASE John P. Rainbault, New York, N. Y., assignor to General Electric Company, a corporation of New York Application September 14, 1933. Serial No. 49,256
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: my new design; and Fig. 2 is a side elevation of Be it known that I, JOHN P. RAINBAULT, a citithe same.
zen of the United States, residing at New York, I claim:
county of New York, State of New York, have The ornamental design for a clock case as invented a new, original, and ornamental Design shown.
for a Clock Case, of which the following is a In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my specification, reference being had to the accomhand this sixth day of Sept, 1933.
panying drawing forming a part thereof. Fig. 1
is a front perspective view of a clock case showing JOHN P. RAINBAULT.



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