USD96315S - Design for a wheel - Google Patents

Design for a wheel Download PDF


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USD96315S US D96315 S USD96315 S US D96315S
United States
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J Harold Hunt
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Ju1 23,1935. JHVHUNT Des. 96,315
WHEEL Filed Aug. 7, 1953 INVENTOR. J Harold Hum UM m am 1 /'//5 ATTORNEY.
Patented July 23, 1935 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A WHEEL J Harold Hunt, Lansing, Mich., assignor to Motor Wheel Corporation, Lansing, Mich., a corporation of Michigan Application August 7, 1933, Serial No. 48,944
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: Figure II is a perspective view of the wheel Be it known that I, J Harold Hunt, a citizen of body shown in Figure I;
the United States, residing at Lansing, county of Figure III is an enlarged section taken on the Ingham, State of Michigan, have invented a new, line IIIIII of Figure I, and
original, and ornamental Design for a Wheel, of Figure IV is a sectional view taken on the line which the following is a specification, reference IV-IV of Figure I.
being had to the accompanying drawing, forming I claim: a part hereof. The ornamental design for a wheel as shown.
In the drawing: In testimony whereof he has affixed his signa- Figure I is a side view of a wheel showing my ture. new design; J HAROLD HUNT.



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