USD95082S - Design fob a thermometer - Google Patents

Design fob a thermometer Download PDF


Publication number
USD95082S US D95082 S USD95082 S US D95082S
United States
Prior art keywords
design fob
Prior art date
Application number
Clarence E. Shewalter
Original Assignee
The Ohio Thermometer Company
Filing date
Publication date




April. 2, 1935. sHEwAl-TER Des. 95,082
THERMOMETER Filed Dec. 31, 1934 VENTOR.
Patented Apr. 2, 1935 De 95,082
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR, A THERMOMETER Clarence E. Shewalter, Springfield, Ohio, assignor to The Ohio Thermometer Company, Springfield, Ohio, a. corporation of Ohio Application December 31, 1934, Serial No. 54,645
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is a front elevation, Fig. 2 a side eleva- Be it known that I, Clarence E. Shewalter, a tion, and Fig. 3 is a bottom plan of a thermomcitizen of the United States, residing at Springeter, showing my new design.
field, in the county of Clark and State of Ohio. I claim:
have invented a new, original, and ornamental The ornamental design for a thermometer, as
Design for a Thermometer, of which the followshown. 1
ing is a specification, reference being had to the CLARENCE E. SHEWALTER.
accompanying drawing, forming part thereof.



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