USD94974S - Design for an automobile tire - Google Patents

Design for an automobile tire Download PDF


Publication number
USD94974S US D94974 S USD94974 S US D94974S
United States
Prior art keywords
automobile tire
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Harry C. Hower
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Des. 94,974
v March 26, 1935.
v H. c. HowER AUTOMOBILE TIRE Filedlneo. 51, 1954 Patented Mar. 26, 1935 Des.
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN Fon AN AUTOMOBILE TIRE Harry C. Hower, Chicago, Ill. C Applieatien December 31, 1934, serial No. 54,647
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern.' tive View, partially in dotted lines, of a tire show- Be it known that I, Harry C. Hower, a citizen ing my new design. of the United States, residing at Chicago, in the I claim:
county of Cook and State of Illinois, have in- The ornamental design for an automobile tire, vented a new, original, and. ornamental Design as shown. for an Automobile Tire, of which the follow- 1n witness whereof, I hereunto subscribe my ing is a specification, reference being had to the name this 27 day of December, 1934. accompanying drawing, forming a pari; thereof.
In the drawing, the single igure is a perspeo- HARRY C. HOWER.



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