USD94562S - Design fob an apron - Google Patents

Design fob an apron Download PDF


Publication number
USD94562S US D94562 S USD94562 S US D94562S
United States
Prior art keywords
design fob
Prior art date
Application number
Ada Quinn
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3 i A. QUINN Des. 94,562 0 APRON Filed April 27, 1934 11v VENTbR Patented Feb. 12, 1935 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE Application April 27, 1934, Serial No. 51,556
Term of Patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: apron extend to the length essential to adapt the Be it known that 1, Ads. Quinn, a. citizen of the apron to the size of the wearer.
United States, residing at Ogden, in the county The figure is a plan view of an apron, showing of Weber and State of Utah, have invented a new, my new design.
original, and ornamental Design for an Apron, of I claim:
which the following is a specification, reference The ornamental design for an apron as shown being had to the accompa ying drawing, forma d de cribed,
ing part thereof. ADA QUINN.
The strings at the neck and waist-line 01' the



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