USD93499S - Design for an electrical choke coil - Google Patents

Design for an electrical choke coil Download PDF


Publication number
USD93499S US D93499 S USD93499 S US D93499S
United States
Prior art keywords
choke coil
electrical choke
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Application number
James Millen
Filing date
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Oct. 2, 1934. J MlLLEN Des. 93,499
ELECTRICAL CHOKE COIL Filed Feb. 2, 1934 Invenifo ra- James MiZZen,
Patented 0a. 2, 1934 7 D s. 93,499
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR AN ELECTRICAL CHOKE COIL James Millen, Malden, Mass. Application February 2, 1934, Serial No. 50,601
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: being had to the accompanying drawing, forming Be it known that I, JAMES MILLEN, a citizen part thereof.
of the United States, residing at Maiden, county The drawing is a plan View of an electrical of Middlesex and Commonwealth of Massachuchoke coil showing my new design.
setts, have invented a new, original, and orna- I claim:-
mental Design for an Electrical Choke Coil, of The ornamental design for an electrical choke which the following is a specification, reference coil substantially as shown.



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