USD92902S - Design foe a flour sifter - Google Patents

Design foe a flour sifter Download PDF


Publication number
USD92902S US D92902 S USD92902 S US D92902S
United States
Prior art keywords
flour sifter
design foe
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Application number
Basil G. Hall
Filing date
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July 31, 1934. B, HALL Des. 92,902 Y FLOUR S IFTER Filed March 26, 1934 Inventor": Basil. 6'. Hall.
Patented July 31, 193 Des.
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A FLOUR SIFTER Basil G. Hall, Minneapolis, Minn. Application March 26, 1934, Serial No. 51,189
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: The figure is a perspective view of a flour sifter Be it known that I, BASIL G. HALL, a citizen of showing my new design.
the United States, residing at Minneapolis, in the I claim: county of Hennepin and State of Minnesota, The ornamental design for a flour sifter as have invented a new, original, and ornamental shown.
Design for Flour Sifters, of which the following BASIL G. HALL. is a specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming part thereof.



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