USD92877S - Design for a fly swatter - Google Patents

Design for a fly swatter Download PDF


Publication number
USD92877S US D92877 S USD92877 S US D92877S
United States
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fly swatter
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John L. Bennett
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July 31, 1934. BENNETT Des. 92,877
FLY SWATTER Filed May 16, 1934 W a MVM i ATTORNEYS Patented July 31, 1934 Des. 92,877
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A FLY SWATTER John L. Bennett, Decatur, Ill., assignor to U. S. Manufacturing Corporation, Decatur, Ill.
. Application May 16, 1934, Serial No. 51,801
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: Figure 1 is a view in front elevation of a fly Be it known that I, JOHN L. BENNETT, a citizen swatter embodying my design.
of the United States, and a resident of Decatur, Figure 2 is a View in rear elevation of the same,
county of Macon, and State of Illinois, have inparts of the handle being broken away.
vented a new, original, and ornamental Design I claim: for a Fly Swatter, of which the following is a The ornamental design for a fly swatter as specification, reference being had to the accomshown. panying drawing, forming part thereof. JOHN L. BENNETT In the drawing-



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