USD92213S - Design for a lens clip - Google Patents

Design for a lens clip Download PDF


Publication number
USD92213S US D92213 S USD92213 S US D92213S
United States
Prior art keywords
lens clip
Prior art date
Application number
Bernard Spero
Original Assignee
Filing date
Publication date




Des. 92,213
B. SPERO LENS CLIP May 8, 1934.
Filed Feb. 1, 1934 aQFpero, kzffw Even 2 07", 3'3
Patented May 8, 1934 Des.
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A LENS CLIP Bernard Spero, Chicago, 11]., assignor to Belgard- Spero, Inc., Chicago, 111., a corporation of Delaware Application February 1, 1934, Serial No. 50,581
Term of patent 14 years T0 allwhomit y Concern! Figure 1 is a perspective view of a lens clip, Be it known that I, BERNARD SPERO, a citizen of showing my new design; and Fig. 2, a side view the United States, residing at Chicago, Illinois, on a, smaller scale of the rear side of the clip.
in the county of Cook, State of Illinois, have I claim;
Invented omamenpal P The ornamental design foralens clip, as shown sign for a, Lens 011p, of Which the following 1s a. and described specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawing forming a part thereof, in BERNARD SPERO.



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