USD91815S - Design for a furniture post - Google Patents

Design for a furniture post Download PDF


Publication number
USD91815S US D91815 S USD91815 S US D91815S
United States
Prior art keywords
furniture post
Prior art date
Application number
Tippecanoe City
Original Assignee
_ Detroit Cabinet Company
Filing date
Publication date




Des. 91,815
March 27, 1934. J, c. GARVER FURNITURE POST Filed Dec. 29, 1933 //VV/I/7'0/? JACOB C. GARVfF.
Patented Mar. 27, 1934 Des. 91,815
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A FURNITURE POST Jacob C. Garver, Tippecanoe City, Ohio, assignor to Detroit Cabinet Company, Inc., Tippecanoe City, Ohio, a corporation of Ohio To all whom it may concern: Figure 1 is an elevation of a furniture post Be it known that I, JACOB C. GARVER, a citizen showing my new design;
of the United States, residing at Tippecanoe City, Figure 2 is a section on the line 2-2 of Figin the county of Miami and State of Ohio, have ure 1. invented a new, original, and ornamental Design I claim:
for a Furniture Post, of which the following is a The ornamental design for a furniture post,
specification, reference being had to the accomsubstantially as shown.
panying drawing, forming a part thereof. JACOB C. GARVER.
In the drawing:



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