USD90885S - Design for a kitchen cabinet - Google Patents

Design for a kitchen cabinet Download PDF


Publication number
USD90885S US D90885 S USD90885 S US D90885S
United States
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kitchen cabinet
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John L. Houck
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Oct. 17, 1933. JQL. HoUcK De" 90,885 1 KITCHENv CABINET Filed Aug. 24, 1933 Patented oct. 17, 1933 l y Des. 90,885
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A KITCHEN CABINET John L. Houck, Nappanee, Ind., assignor to Coppes Bros. & Zook, Inc., Nappanee, Ind., a corporation of Indiana Application August 24, 1933. Serial No. 49,099
Term of patent 7 yearsV To all whom it may concern: Figure 1 is a view in perspective ofthe kitchen Be it known that I, JOHN L. HoUCK, a citizen cabinet showing the front closed; and'Figure 2 of the United States, residing at Nappanee, in is a similai view showing the front open and the the county of Elkhart and State of Indiana, have Work table extended.
invented a new, orginal, and ornamental Design I claim: for a Kitchen Cabinet, of which the following is The ornamental design for a kitchen cabinet,
a, specification, reference being had to the accomas shown and described. panying drawing, forming a part thereof, in
which: f JOHN L. HOUCK.



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