USD89946S - Design for a table or similar article - Google Patents

Design for a table or similar article Download PDF


Publication number
USD89946S US D89946 S USD89946 S US D89946S
United States
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similar article
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W. O. Brown
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May 23, 1933. w 0. BROWN Des. 89,946 D TABLE OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Filed Jan. 19, 1935 ATTORN Y.
Patented May 23, 1933 Des.
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE WALTER 0. BROWN, OF DETROIT, MICHIGAN DESIGN FOR A TABLE OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Application filed January 19, 1933. Serial No. 46,888. Term of patent 14 years.
To all whom it may concern: accompanying drawing, forming a part Be it known that I, WALTER 0. BROWN, 21 thereof.
subject of the King of Great Britain, resid- The figure is a perspective View of a table ing at Detroit, in the county of Wayne and showing my new design.
State of Michigan, have invented a new, I claim:
original, and ornamental Design for a Table The ornamental design for a table or simior Similar Article, of which the following is lar article, as shown.
a specification, reference being had to the WALTER 0. BROWN.



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