USD85822S - Design for an edible cup - Google Patents

Design for an edible cup Download PDF


Publication number
USD85822S US D85822 S USD85822 S US D85822S
United States
Prior art keywords
edible cup
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Application number
Ernest Hamwi
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Dec. 22, 1931. HAMW] Des. 85,822
EDIBLE CUP Filed Oct. 16, 1931 Patented Dec. 22, 1931 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE ERNEST HAMWI, OF ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI DESIGN FOR AN EDIBLE CUP Application filed October 16, 1931. Serial No. 41,407. Term of patent 14 years.
To all whom it may concern: The reversely curved ornamental strip Be it known that I, ERNEST HAMWI, a citishown on the cup is repeated on the opposite zen of the United States, residing at St. Louis side.
and State of Missouri, have invented a new, I claim:
original, and ornamental Design for Edible The ornamental design for an edible cup,
Cup, of which the following is a specification, as shown and described.
reference being had to the accompanying a drawing, forming part thereof. ERNEST HAMWI.
The figure is a perspective View of an edible cup showing my new design.



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