USD82464S - Design for a radiocabinet - Google Patents

Design for a radiocabinet Download PDF


Publication number
USD82464S US D82464 S USD82464 S US D82464S
United States
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Harry Backer Warner
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N v 4, 1930. H. B. WARNER Des. 82,464
RADIOCABINET Filed Nov. ll, 1929 Patented Nov.v 4, 1930 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE HARRY HACKER WARNER, OF HAGERSTOWN, MARYLAND DESIGN FOR A RADIOCABINE-T I Application led November 11, 1929. Serial No. 83,420. Term of patent 14 years.
To all whom t may concern.' The figure is a perspective View of a radio- Be it known that I, HARRY B. WARNER, a .cabinet showing my new design. The cabinet citizen of the United States, residing at is closed at-the rear by a conventional back. Hagerstown, in the county of Washington I claim: and State of Maryland, have invented a new, The ornamental design for a radiocabinet original, and ornamental Design for Radiosubstantially as shown and described. cabinets, of which the following is a specifcaton, reference being had to the accom- HARRY B. WARNER. panying drawing, forming part thereof.



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