USD81439S - Design fob jab ob similab abticle - Google Patents

Design fob jab ob similab abticle Download PDF


Publication number
USD81439S US D81439 S USD81439 S US D81439S
United States
Prior art keywords
design fob
similab abticle
Prior art date
Application number
Emil Fbank
Filing date
Publication date




Jurie'zd, 1930. E, FRANK, nest 81,439
JAR OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Filed Aug. 22. 1929 I gwuemtoz 2 172 27 fianlr/ Patented June 24, 1930 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE EMIL FRANK, OF CINCINNATI, OHIO DESIGN FOR JAIL OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Application filed August 22, 1929. Serial No. 32,499. Term of patent 14 years.
To all whom it may concern: The figure is a perspective View of a jar Be it known that I, EMIL FRANK, a citizen embodying my design.
of the United States, residing at Cincinnati, I claim:
in the county of Hamilton and State of Ohio, The ornamental design for jar or similar have invented a new, original, and ornaarticle, as shown.
mental Design for a Jar or Similar Article, of
which the following is a specification, refer- EMIL FRANK.
ence being had to the accompanying drawing, forming a part thereof.



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