USD80889S - Design for a cigar lighter - Google Patents

Design for a cigar lighter Download PDF


Publication number
USD80889S US D80889 S USD80889 S US D80889S
United States
Prior art keywords
cigar lighter
Prior art date
Application number
Samuel E. Gtjinn
Filing date
Publication date




Des. 80,889
S. E. GUlNN CIGAR LIGHTER Aprila, 1930.
Filed April 12. 1929 Patented Apr. 8, 1930 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE O 'DEsIGNtFoR A CIGAit Lienden Application led April 12, 1929. Serial No. 30,868. Term of patent 3i: years.
To all whom t may concewb.' panying drawings, forming part thereof, and Be it known that I, SAMUEL E. GUINN, a in which the ligure is a perspective View 0i citizen of the United Sta-tes, residing at the cigar lighter.
Johnson City, inthe county of Vashington I claim:-
end State of Tennessee, haveV invented a new, The ornamental design for a cigar lighter,
original, and ornamental Design for Cigar as shown.
Lighters, of which the following is a, speciication, reference being had to the aceoin- SAMUEL E. GUINN.



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