USD2818S - Design for a burial casket - Google Patents

Design for a burial casket Download PDF


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USD2818S US D2818 S USD2818 S US D2818S
United States
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burial casket
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AU 291 EX WE/@PEE @En OZ.
Letters Patent No. 2,818, dated November 5, 1867.
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Be it known that I, BENJAMIN R. BACON, of the city and county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylnia, have invented a. new and useful Design for Burial Gaskets; und I do hereby declare the following to be :lear and exact description of the nature thereof, suHicient to enable others skilled in the art to which it pertains to fully understand and use thc same, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, making rt of this specification, in which- Figure 1 is a. plan orf top view of a burial casket constructed according to my design.
Figure 2 is u. side elevation thereof.
Similar letters of reference indicate corresponding parts in the two figures.
My invention is n new and useful design for burial caskets, being beautiful. simple, and ornamental, and `ming a. strong and durable receptacle, with but little more expense than the unsightly and repulsive coHins w in use. In the drawings- A represents the body of the coin, and A the cover or lid, both having their sides a parallel, and running broken to the point b. The head and foot or end pieces B C are curved outwardly, as shown at c, und form :s or segments, d e, of a. circle, having the saine curvuture'and length. The point b of the sides a, and the ints d and e of the head and font pieces, are united by arcs or segments D, being about forty degrees, and `ming rounded cut-off" corners b B d and b B e, whose curvaturcs are inwardly. The lid or cover A is of' raised or ridged form, constructed with mouldings E, which are placed or. applied on the lid at points tween the middle and edges. The members of the moulding correspond `in the direction in which they run bh the sides a and end pieces B C, that is, the mouldings a run pnrnllel with the sides a. The top and tom mouldings c correspond with the ltra c of the hond und foot-pieces B C. The top :md bottom moulding@ are united to the side mouldings by the arc or segment monldings D', which correspond with the segments which form the cut-oli` corners.' It will bc perceived that the end c and moulding c are concentric, ns nrc o mouldings D and segment or cut-ofi` corners D. Suitable beadsf may be placed around thc edges of the and the sides of the body A. Handles und pins or studs also may be added thereto, if desired A casket constructed according to thc above design is durable, neat, and ornamental.
Having thus described my invention, what I claim as new, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is-
rlhe design for burial caskcts, substantially as represented and described.
To the above I have signed my name this eighth day of October, 1867.
BENJ. R. BACON. Witnesses:



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