USD180036S - Handbag - Google Patents

Handbag Download PDF


Publication number
USD180036S US D180036 S USD180036 S US D180036S
United States
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elevational view
united states
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Harry T. Shverman
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Des. 180,036
Patented Apr. 9, 1957 United States Patent 0 "ice HANDBAG Harry T. Silverman, Forest Hills, N. Y.
Application November 6, 1956, Serial No. 43,673
Term of patent 7 years (Cl. D87--3) Fig. 1 is a front elevational view of a handbag show- References Cited in the file of this patent ing my new design;
UNITED STATES PATENTS D. 14,760 Langfeld Feb. 19, 1884 D. 135,607 Kalisher May 4, 1943 D. 143,611 Meadow Jan. 22, 1946 D. 179,224 Silverman Nov. 13, 1956 Fig. 2 is a rear elevational view thereof; Fig. 3 is a top plan view;
Fig. 4 is a bottom plan view; and
Fig. 5 is a side elevational view.
I' claim:
The ornamental design for a handbag, substantially as shown.



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