USD148935S - Design for a trailer - Google Patents

Design for a trailer Download PDF


Publication number
USD148935S US D148935 S USD148935 S US D148935S
United States
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Ray F. Kims
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Mam R, F, KUN@ Bes, 3.4%,935
` TRAILER Filed March l5, SL94@ 5 Sheets-Sheet l INVEN TOR.
R. F. KuNs Des. 148,935
March 9, 1948.
TRAILER Filed March 15, 194e 5 sheets-sheetv 2 1N VEN IOR. R ag Zf- Kun s R. F. KUNS v @ea 1149935 March @9 E948.
TRAILER Filed March 1.5, 1946 5 sheets-sheet 5 1NVENToR- Raggi? Kam/s.
Patented Mar. 9, 1948 UNITED STATES Des. 148,935
DESIGN FOR A TRAILER Ray F. Kuns, Cincinnati, Ohio Application March 15, 1946, Serial No. 127,556
Term of patent 14 years (Cl. D14-3) To all whom it may concern.'
Be it knownthat I, Ray F. Kuns, a citizen of the United States and a resident of Cincinnati, in the county of Hamilton and the State of Ohio, have invented a new, original, and ornamental Design for a Trailer, of which the following is a speoication, reference being made to the aooompanying drawing, forming a part thereof.
Fig. 1 is a side elevational View of a trailer showing my new design as Viewed from the entry side, a boat being shown in dotted lines for illustrative purposes only.
Fig. 2 is a side elevational View o the trailer of 1 as viewed from the opposite side.
Fig. 3vis a top plan of the trailer of my design.
Fig. 4 is a front end elevational View of the Same.
REFERENCES CITED The following references are of record in the le of this patent:
UNITED STATES PATENTS Name Date Patterson .J an. 14, 1947 Number D. 146,232



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