USD145671S - Design fos, a fabric - Google Patents

Design fos, a fabric Download PDF


Publication number
USD145671S US D145671 S USD145671 S US D145671S
United States
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new york
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Application number
Lena Langer
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"bct 1, 19 16.
L. LANGER Des. 145,671
FABRIC Filed Feb. 28, 1946 INVENTOR I LEA/A LANGER BY walla, mm m V ATTORNEYS Patented 'Oct. 1, 1946' D 145,671
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A FABRIC Lena Langer, New York, N. Y., assignor to Kaylon Incorporated, New York, N. Y., a corporation of New York Application February 28, 1946, Serial No. 126,976
Term of patent 3 years To all whom it may concern: The broken lines indicate a design unit, which Be it known that I, Lena Langer, a citizen of unit is repeated over the fabric as indicated by the United States, residing at New York city, in the extensions beyond the unit boundaries.
the county of New York and State of New York, I claim:
have invented a new, original, and ornamental The ornamental design for a fabric, as shown Design for 2. Fabric, of which the following is a and described.
specification, reference being had to the accom- LENA LANGER,
panying drawing, forming a part thereof.
The figure is a face view of a piece of fabric embodying my new design.



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