USD136943S - Design for a dress - Google Patents

Design for a dress Download PDF


Publication number
USD136943S US D136943 S USD136943 S US D136943S
United States
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new york
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Paul Adler
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Des. 136,943
Dec. 28, 1943. L R
DRESS Filed NOV. 30, 1943 \NUENIDIJ uu| Men DTTURNEY Patented Dec. 28, 1943 Des,
DESIGN FOR A DRESS Paul Adler, New York, N. Y.
Application November 30, 1943, Serial No. 111,820
Term of patent 3% years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is a front view of a dress showing my Be it known that 1, Paul Adler, a. citizen of design, and the United States, residing in New York city, in Fig, 2 is the rear view thereof. the county of New York and State of New York, I claim: have invented a new, original, and ornamental The ornamental design for a. dress, substan- Design for a Dress, of which the following is a tially as shown. specification, reference being had to the accom- PAUL ADLER.
panying drawing, forming part thereof.



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