USD142522S - Design fob a bicycle frame ob the like - Google Patents

Design fob a bicycle frame ob the like Download PDF


Publication number
USD142522S US D142522 S USD142522 S US D142522S
United States
Prior art keywords
bicycle frame
design fob
Prior art date
Application number
Chester L. Hussey
Original Assignee
Savage Arms Corporation
Filing date
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Oct. 9, 1945. Q HUSSEY. Des. 142,522
BICYCLE FRAME OR THE LIKE Filed May '7, 1945 INVENTQR 6/155 75/? L #11655) BY ATTORNEYS Patented Oct. 9, 1945 Des.
DESIGN FOR A BICYCLE FRAME OR. THE LIKE Chester L. Hussey, Belchertown, Mass., assignor to Savage Arms Corporation, Utica, N. Y., a corporation of Delaware Application May 7, 1945, Serial No. 119,438
Term of patent 14 years To'all whom it may concern: In the drawing,
Be it known that I, Chester L. Hussey, a citizen Fig. 1 is a side elevational view of the bicycle of the United States, residing at Belchertown, in frame, showing my new design; the County of Hampshire, and State of Massa- Fig. 2 is afront view; and chusetts, have invented a new, original, and or- Fig. 3 is a rear view thereof. namental Design for a Bicycle Frame or the Like, I claim: of which the following is a specification, reference The ornamental design for a bicycle frame or being had to accompanying drawing forming a the like, as shown. part thereof. CHESTER L. HUSSEY.



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