USD140623S - Design for a tread plate - Google Patents

Design for a tread plate Download PDF


Publication number
USD140623S US D140623 S USD140623 S US D140623S
United States
Prior art keywords
tread plate
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Henry L. Harper
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March 20, 194-5. HARPER Des. 140,623
TREAD PLATE Filed Nov. 29, 1944 INVENTOR A'ITOR Patented Mar. 20, 1945 De 140,623
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A TREAD PLATE Henry L. Harper, Pittsburgh, Pa., assignor to Aluminum Company of America, Pittsburgh, Pa., a corporation of Pennsylvania Application November 29, 1944, Serial No. 116,610
Term of patent 14 years (01. D13--1) To all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is a plan view of a. tread plate showing Be it known that I, Henry L. Harper, a citizen my new design; and of the United States, residing at Pittsburgh, in Fig. 2 is an edge view thereof. the county of Allegheny and State of Pennsyl- I claim: Y Vania, have invented a, new, original, and orna- The ornamental design for a tread plate, as metal Design for a Tread Plate, of which the shown.
following is a specification, reference being had HENRY L. to the accompanying drawing, forming a part thereof, in which:



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