USD137276S - Design for a padlock - Google Patents

Design for a padlock Download PDF


Publication number
USD137276S US D137276 S USD137276 S US D137276S
United States
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New Haven
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Sargent a Company
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Feb. 15, 1944. MULLEMUNK Des. 137,276
PADLOCK Filed Nov. 29, 1943 Patented Feb. 15, 1944 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFlCE DESIGN FOR A PADLOCK Peter Maller-Munk, Pittsburgh, Pa., assignor to n Sargent & Company, New Haven, Conn., a, corporation of Connecticut Application November 29, 1943, Serial No. 111,811
Term of patent 3% years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is a front elevational View of a padlock Be it known that I, Peter Muller-Munk, a showing my new design;
citizen of the United States, residing in the city Fig. 2 is a top plan view;
of Pittsburgh, in the county of Allegheny and Fig. 3 is a bottom plan view; and
State of Pennsylvania, have invented a. new, Fig. 4 is a side elevational view.
original, and ornamental Design for a Padlock, I claim:
of which the following is a. specincation, refer- The ornamental design for a padlock, substanence being had to the accompanying drawing tially as shown.
forming part thereof, in which PETER MULLER-MUNK.



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