USD139912S - Design for a finger ring - Google Patents

Design for a finger ring Download PDF


Publication number
USD139912S US D139912 S USD139912 S US D139912S
United States
Prior art keywords
finger ring
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Application number
Earl Kiff
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Jan. 2, 1945. E. KIFF Des. 139,912
FINGER RING l Filed Nov. 1, 1944 INVENTOR ATTORNEYS Patented Jan. 2, 1945 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN ox A FINGER RING Earl Kifl', Attleboro, Mass., assignor to L. G. Balfour Company, a corporation of Massachusetts Application November 1, 1944, Serial No. 116,088 Term of patent 7 years (Cl. D45-10) To all whom it may concern: Figure 1 is a side elevation of a finger rin Be it known that; I, Earl Kill, a citizen of the showing my new design; and
United States, residing in Attleboro, county of Figure2isatop plan view.
Bristol, and State of Massachusetts, have invented I claim:
a new, original, and ornamental Design for a The ornamental design for a finger ring, sub- Finger Ring, of which the following is a specifistantially as shown.
cation, reference being had to the accompanying R FF- drawing, forming a part thereof.



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