USD137352S - Brooch or similar article - Google Patents

Brooch or similar article Download PDF


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USD137352S US D137352 S USD137352 S US D137352S
United States
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Adolpb Katz
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Des. 137,352
Feb. 22, 1944. A. KATZ BROOCH OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Filed Jan. 26, 1944 IATTORN EY Patented Feb. 22, 1944 D 137,352
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A BROOCH OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Adolph Katz, Providence, R. 1., assignor to Coro, Inc., New York, N. Y., a. corporation of New York Application January 26, 1944, Serial No. 112,328
Term of patent 3 years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is a plan view of a brooch or similar Be it known that I, Adolph Katz, a citizen of article showing my new design.
the United States of America, residing in city Fig. 2 is an edge view thereof.
of Providence, county of Providence, and State I claim:
of Rhode Island, have invented a new, original, The ornamental design for a brooch or similar and ornamental Design for a Brooch or Similar article, substantially as shown.
Article, of which the following is a specification,
reference being had to the accompanying draw- ADOLPH KATZ.
ing, forming part thereof.



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