USD136539S - Design for a blind flying hood - Google Patents

Design for a blind flying hood Download PDF


Publication number
USD136539S US D136539 S USD136539 S US D136539S
United States
Prior art keywords
blind flying
flying hood
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George E. Jones
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Oct. 19, 1943. JONES Ds. 136,539
BLICND FLYING HOOD Filed May 17, 1943 Inventor 62:02:92.2. Jan/es ws- 9 3 v Des. 1365539 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 13 ,539 DESIGN FOR A BLIND FLYING H001) George Jones, Tampa, Fla.
Application May 17, 1943, Serial No. 110,220
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: Figure 1 is a perspective view of a blind flying Be it known that I, George E. Jones, a, citizen hood showing my new design.
of the United States, residing at Tampa in the Figure 2 is a top plan View.
county of- Hillsborough and State of Florida, j Figure 3 is a sectional view taken substanhave invented a new, original, and ornamental tially on the line 3'3 of Figure 1.
Design for a Blind Flying Hood, of which the I claim:
following is a specification, reference being had The ornamental design-for a blind flying hood,
to the accompanying drawing, forming part as shown.
thereof. e GEORGE E. JONES.



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