USD123853S - Combined drawer pull and escutcheons - Google Patents

Combined drawer pull and escutcheons Download PDF


Publication number
USD123853S US D123853 S USD123853 S US D123853S
United States
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drawer pull
combined drawer
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Earl Borchers
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Dec. 10, 1940. BQRCHERS Des. 123,853
COMBINED DRAWER PULL AND QESCUTCHEONS Filed May 11, 1940 gown/9991s UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DE SIGN FOR A COMBINED DRAWER PULL AND ESCUTOHEON S Earl Borchers, Rockford, 111., assignor to American Cabinet Hardware Corp., Rockford, Ill., a corporation of Illinois Application May 11, 1940, Serial No. 92,294
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 2 is a side elevational view thereof.
Be it known that I, Earl Borchers, a citizen of Fig. 3 is a front elevational view; and the United States, residing at Rockford, in the Fig. 4 is a perspective view of the drawer pull county of Winnebago and State of Illinois, have shown in Figs. 1, 2 and 3, the escutcheons being invented a new, original, and ornamental Design omitted. for a Combined Drawer Pull and Escutcheons, of I claim: which the following is a specification, reference The ornamental design for a combined drawer being had to the accompanying drawing, forming pull and escutcheons, substantially as shown. a part thereof.
Fig. 1 is a perspective view of a combined EARL BORCHERS. drawer pull and escutcheons showing my new des n;



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