USD123701S - Design for a brush handle - Google Patents

Design for a brush handle Download PDF


Publication number
USD123701S US D123701 S USD123701 S US D123701S
United States
Prior art keywords
brush handle
Prior art date
Application number
Alfred L. Le Febvre
Original Assignee
The Fuller Brush Company
Filing date
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NOV. 26, 1940'. LE FEBVE Des. 123,701
BRUSH HANDLE Filed June 25, 1940 Patented Nov. 26, 1940 Des, 123,701
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A BRUSH HANDLE Alfred L. Le Febvre, Hartford, Conn, assignor to The Fuller Brush Company, Hartford, Conn., a, corporation of Connecticut Application June 25, 1940, Serial No. 93,234
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: Figure 2 is a side elevational View thereof.
Be it known that I, Alfred L. Le Febvre, a citi- Figure 3 is an end elevational view thereof, zen of the United States and a resident of I-Iarttaken from the left of Fig. 2, and ford, in the county of Hartford and State of Figure 4 is an end elevational view taken from Connecticut, have invented a new, original, and the right thereof. ornamental Design for a Brush Handle, of which I claim: the following is a specification, reference being The ornamental design for a brush handle, as had to the accompanying drawing, forming part shown. thereof, in which ALFRED L. LE FEBVRE.
Figure 1 is a plan view of a brush handle showing my new design.



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