USD123395S - Design for. a clothes hanger - Google Patents

Design for. a clothes hanger Download PDF


Publication number
USD123395S US D123395 S USD123395 S US D123395S
United States
Prior art keywords
clothes hanger
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Margaret Brown Dunlap
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M. B. DUNLAP Des. 123,395
CLOTHES HANGER Nov. 5, 1940.
Filed May 31, 1940 lllllllllllllllllll lll l Patented Nov. 5, 1940 Des,
UNITED sT Ts T TENT ()FFICE DESIGN FOR A CLOTHES HANGER Margaret Brown Dunlap, Lubbock, Tex.
Application May 31, 1940, Serial No. 92,720
Term of patent 3 /2 years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is a front elevational View of a clothes Be it known that I, Margaret Brown Dunlap, hanger, showing my new design; and a citizen of the United States, residing at Lub- Fig. 2 is a top plan View thereof. book, in the county of Lubbock and State of The rear surface of the design is plain. Texas, have invented a new, original, and orna- I claim:
mental Design for a Clothes Hanger, of which the The ornamental design for a clothes hanger, following is a specification, reference being had as shown and described.
to the accompanying drawing, forming part thereof. MARGARET BROWN DUNLAP.



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