USD123195S - Design fos, a clothespin bag - Google Patents

Design fos, a clothespin bag Download PDF


Publication number
USD123195S US D123195 S USD123195 S US D123195S
United States
Prior art keywords
clothespin bag
Prior art date
Application number
Eugene Dowell Abbott
Filing date
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Des. 123,195
E. D. ABBOTT GLOTHESPIN BAG oct. 22, 1940.
Filed Jan. 20, 19.40
Patented Oct. 22, 1940 Des.
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A CLOTHESPIN BAG Eugene Dowell Abbott, Kansas City, Mo. D Application January 20, 1940, Serial No. 89,603
Term of patent 31/2 years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is a front elevational view of the clothes- Be it known that I, Eugene Dowell Abbott, a pin bag, showing my design.
citizen of the United States, residing at Kansas Fig. 2 is an edge elevational View thereof.
City, in the county of Jackson and State of Mis- Fig. 3 is a back elevational View thereof.
souri, have invented a new, original, and orna- I claim:
mental Design for a Clothespin Bag, of which The ornamental design for a clothespin bag,
the following is a specification, reference being as shown.
had to the accompanying drawing, forming a EUGENE DOWELL ABBOTT.
part thereof.



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