USD121946S - Design for a hairbrush - Google Patents

Design for a hairbrush Download PDF


Publication number
USD121946S US D121946 S USD121946 S US D121946S
United States
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William C. Bird
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w. c. BIRD Des. 121,946
HAIRBRUSH Aug. 13, 1940.
Filed May 25, 1940 Inv enior': mm om VLCMW 6&
Patented Aug. 13, 1940 D 121,946
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A HAIRBRUSH William 0. Bird, Northampton, Mass, assignor to Pro-phy-lac-tic Brush Company, Northampton, Mass., a corporation of Delaware Application May 25, 1940, Serial No. 92,622
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is a face View of a hairbrush, showing Be it known that I, William C. Bird, a citizen my new design,
of the United States of America and a resident Fig. 2 is a side View,
of Northampton, in the county of Hampshire, Fig. 3 is a back View, and
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, have invented Fig. 4 an end elevational view taken from the a new, original, and ornamental Design for I-Iairbristle end thereof.
brushes, of which the following is a specification, I claim:
reference being had to the accompanying draw- The ornamental design for a hairbrush, subing, forming part thereof. stantially as shown.
In the drawing: WILLIAM C. BIRD.



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