USD120534S - Design for an electric handsaw - Google Patents

Design for an electric handsaw Download PDF


Publication number
USD120534S US D120534 S USD120534 S US D120534S
United States
Prior art keywords
electric handsaw
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Application number
George T. Wax
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May 14, 1940, G. T. WAX Des. 120,534
ELECTRIC HANDSAW Filed Nov. 30, 1939 Patented May 14, 1940 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR AN ELECTRIC HANDSAW George T. Wax, Baton Rouge, La. Application November 30, 1939, Serial No. 88,577
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is a side view of the electric handsaw Be it known that George T. Wax, a citizen of showing my new design.
the United States of America, residing at Baton Fig. 2 is a plan view thereof; and
Rouge, in the county of East Baton Rouge and Fig. 3 is an end view thereof.
State of Louisiana, has a invented a new, orig- I claim:
inal, and ornamental Design for Electric Hand- The O na en d s fO an electric handsaWs, of which the following is a specification, saw, as shown.
.reference being had to the accompanying draw- GEORGE T. WAX.
ing, forming a part thereof.



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