USD113413S - Design for a flashlight - Google Patents

Design for a flashlight Download PDF


Publication number
USD113413S US D113413 S USD113413 S US D113413S
United States
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Robert G. Williams
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Feb. 21, 1939. R. G.'WILLIAMS Des. 113,413
, FLASHLIGHT Filed Nov. 10, 1938 -111110 Hf 0 0 Raine/" 5 W////c;'/77$.
Application November 10, 1938, Serial No. 81,019
Patented Feb. 21, 1939 Des. 113,413
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A FLASHLIGHT Robert G. Williams, Toledo, Ohio Term of patent 3 years To all whom it may concern: vation of a flashlight showing my new design;
Be it known that 1, Robert G. Williams, a and citizen of the United States, residing at Toledo, Figure 2 is a top plan view of Figure 1.
in the county of Lucas and State of Ohio, have The dominant features of my design reside in invented a new, original, and ornamental Design the portion shown in solid lines.
for a Flashlight, of which the following is a I claim:
specification, reference being had to the aecom- The ornamental design for a flashlight, subpanying drawing, forming part thereof. stantially as shown and described.
In the drawing, Figure 1 is a view in side ele- ROBERT G. WILLIAMS.



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