USD120522S - Battery charger and tester - Google Patents

Battery charger and tester Download PDF


Publication number
USD120522S US D120522 S USD120522 S US D120522S
United States
Prior art keywords
battery charger
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Application number
Lawrence A. Blazey
Original Assignee
Benjamin F
Filing date
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.1 y 14, 1940. L. A. BLAZEY Des. 120,522
BATTERY CHARGER AND TESTER Filed Nov 14, 1939 INVENTOR. La wrence 44. Bdazey ATTORNE Patented May 14, 1940 UNITED STATES Des. 120,522
PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A BATTERY CHARGER AND TESTER Lawrence A. Blazey, Cleveland, Ohio, assignor to Benjamin F. W. Heyer, Tenafly, N. J.
Application November 14, 1939, Serial No. 88,252
Term of patent 7 years Figure 1 is a view in perspective of a battery charger and tester embodying my new design;
Figure 2 is a side elevational View; and
Figure 3 is a plan view.
The rear of my battery charger is conventional.
I claim:
The ornamental design for a battery charger and tester, as shown and described.



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