USD112914S - Design for a receptacle for batter - Google Patents

Design for a receptacle for batter Download PDF


Publication number
USD112914S US D112914 S USD112914 S US D112914S
United States
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Application number
Roland Reppert
Original Assignee
American Hard Rubber Company
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Jan. 10, 1939. R REPPERT Des. 112,914
RECEPTACLE FOR BATTERIES 0R SIMILAR ARTICLES Filed May 18, 1938 l ilvak I NTOR MU M Patented Jan. 10, 1939 UNITED I STATES Des. 112,914
DESIGN FOR A RECEPTACLE FOR BATTER- IES 0R SIMILAR ARTICLES 1 Roland Reppert, Pelham Manor, N. Y., assignor to American Hard Rubber Company, New York,
Application 'May 18, 1938, Serial No. 77,261
Term of patent 7 years 1 To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that I, Roland Reppert, a citizen of the United States and a resident of Pelham Manor, in the county of Westchester and State of New York, have invented a new, original, and ornamental Design for a Receptacle for Batteries or Similar Articles, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming a part thereof, and in which the figure shows a perspective view of the front and end portion of a receptacle for batteries orsimilar articles. embodying my newv design.
It will be understood that the end portion of the receptacle not shown is similar tothe end portion shown, and that the back portion of the receptacle is similar to the front portion except that the small panels are omitted.
I claim:
The ornamental design for a receptacle for batteries or similar articles, as shown and described.



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