USD112694S - Design fob a musical chime - Google Patents

Design fob a musical chime Download PDF


Publication number
USD112694S US D112694 S USD112694 S US D112694S
United States
Prior art keywords
design fob
musical chime
Prior art date
Application number
Evan G. Evans
Original Assignee
Filing date
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Dec 27, 1938. I E G, EVAN DeS. 112,694 '0 MUS ICAL CHIME Filed Oct. 27, 1938 S I INVENTOR.
Patented Dec. 27, 1938 a I Des. 112,694
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A MUSICAL OHIME Evan G. Evans, Cincinnati, Ohio, assignorto Nutone Chimes Inc., New York, N. Y., a corporation of New York Application October 27, 1938, Serial No. 80,713
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concerm: Figure 1 is a top plan view of the musical chime Be it known that I, Evan G. Evans, a citizen showing my new design.
of the United States, residing at Cincinnati, in Figure 2 is a side elevation of the same.
the county of Hamilton and State of Ohio, have I claim:
invented a new, original, and ornamental De- The ornamental design for a musical chime, sign for a Musical Chime, of which the following as shown. is a specification, reference being had to the ac- EVAN G. EVANS.
companying drawing, forming a part thereof.



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