USD104350S - Design for a cologne bottle or - Google Patents

Design for a cologne bottle or Download PDF


Publication number
USD104350S US D104350 S USD104350 S US D104350S
United States
Prior art keywords
cologne bottle
Prior art date
Application number
Lucieii Lelong
Original Assignee
Lucicn Lelong Inc
Filing date
Publication date




May 4, 1937. LELONG Des. 104,350
COLOGNE BOTTLE OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Filed March 10, 19 37 2 Sheets-Sheet l M5 1 UH May 4, 1937. L. LELONG Des. 104,350
conomm BOTTLE OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Filed March 10, 1937 2 Sheets-Sheet 2 iwaa'ezr Patented M y 37 v D65.
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A COLOGNE BOTTLE OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Lucien Lelong, Paris, France, assignor to Lucien Lelong Inc., Chicago, 111., a corporation of Illinois Application March 10, 1937, Serial No. 68,101
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: Figure 2 is another side elevational view thereof. Be it known that I, Lucien Lelong, a citizen of Figure 3 is another side elevational view thereof.
the Republic of France and a resident of the city Figure 4 is another side elevational view thereof.
of Paris, France, have invented a new, original, Figure 5 is a top plan view thereof.
and ornamental Design for a Cologne Bottle or I claim:
Similar Article, of which the following is a speci- The ornamental design for a cologne bottle or fication, reference being had to the accompanysimilar article as shown.
ing drawing, forming a part thereof. LUCIEN LELONG.
On the drawing: Figure 1 is a side elevational view of the cologne bottle showing my new design.



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