USD106647S - Design for a cologne bottle or simi - Google Patents

Design for a cologne bottle or simi Download PDF


Publication number
USD106647S US D106647 S USD106647 S US D106647S
United States
Prior art keywords
cologne bottle
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Application number
John D. Buckingham
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Oct. 26, 1937. J. 0. BUCKINGHAM 106,647
COLOGNE BOTTLE OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Filed Aug. 25, 1937 Patented Oct. 26, 1937 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A COLOGNE BOTTLE OR SIMI- LAR ARTICLE John D. Buckingham, Evanston, Ill., assignor to Lucien Lelong, Inc., Chicago, 111., a. corporation U of Illinois Application August 25, 1937, Serial No. 71,319
Term of patent '7 years To all whom it may concern: On the drawing:
Be it known that I, John D. Buckingham, a Figure 1 is a side elevational view of the citizen of the United States and a resident of cologne bottle showing my new design. the city of Evanston, county of Cook, and State Figure 2 is a top view thereof. of Illinois, have invented a new, original, and I claim: ornamental Design for a Cologne Bottle or Simi- The ornamental design for a cologne bottle or lar Article, of which the following is a specificasimilar article as shown.
tion, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming a part thereof. JOHN D. BUCKINGHAM.



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