USD110937S - Design for a head for an electric - Google Patents

Design for a head for an electric Download PDF


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USD110937S US D110937 S USD110937 S US D110937S
United States
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Louis Vincent Aronson
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Aug. 16, 1938. v. ARoNsoN Desi-110,937
HEAD FOR AN ELECTRIC RAZOR Filed Dec. 20, 1937 Patented Aug. 16, 1938 D 110,937
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR. A HEAD FOR AN ELECTRIC RAZOR Louis Vincent Aronson, Newark, N. J., assignor to Art Metal Works, Inc., Newark, N. J., a cor- Q poration of New Jersey Application December 20, 1937, Serial No. 73,768
Term of patent 3 years To all whom it may concern: Figure 1 is a side elevation. Be it known that I, Louis V. Aronson, a citizen Figure 2 is a face view, and of the United States, residing at Newark, in the Figure 3 is an end view of a head for an eleccounty of Essex and State of New Jersey, have trio razor showing my new design. invented a new, original, and ornamental Design I claim: for a Head for an Electric Razor, of which the The ornamental design for a head for an elec: following is a specification, reference being had tric razor, substantially as shown. to the accompanying drawing, forming part thereof. LOUIS VINCENT ARONSON.



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