USD142950S - Design for a safety razor - Google Patents

Design for a safety razor Download PDF


Publication number
USD142950S US D142950 S USD142950 S US D142950S
United States
Prior art keywords
safety razor
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Vincent Dudas
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Nov. 20, 1945; v DUDAS Des. 142,950
SAFETY RAZOR Filed June 26, 1945 I N VEN TOR. VINCENT DUDAS ATTOENEYS Patented Nov. 20, 1945 Des. 142,950
DESIGN FOR A SAFETY RAZOR Vincent Dudas, Cleveland, Ohio, assignor to A. Varga Application June 26, 1945, Serial No. 120,352
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: In the drawing:
Be it known that I, Vincent Dudas, a citizen Fig. 1 is a front elevation of a safety razor of the United States, residing at Cleveland, in showing my new design; and the county of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio, have Fig. 2 is an end elevational View thereof. invented a new, original, and ornamental Design I claim: for Safety Razor, of which the following is a spec- The ornamental design for a safety razor, subification, reference being had to the accompanystantially as shown. ing drawing, forming a part thereof. VINCENT DUDAS.



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