USD110874S - Design for a toy wagon body - Google Patents

Design for a toy wagon body Download PDF


Publication number
USD110874S US D110874 S USD110874 S US D110874S
United States
Prior art keywords
wagon body
toy wagon
Prior art date
Application number
John B. Morgan
Original Assignee
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J. R. MORGAN Des. 110,874
TOY WAGON BODY Aug. 16, 1938.
Filed Dec. 24, 1937 Patented Aug. 16, 1938 Des,
" UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A IOY WAGON BODY I John R. Morgan, Oak Park, Ill., assignor to Sears, Roebuck and 00., Chicago, 111., a. corporation of New York Application December 24, 1937, Serial No. 73,846
Term of patent '7 years To all whom it may concern: The drawing is a perspective view of the toy Be it known that I, John R. Morgan, a citizen of wagon body embodying my new design.
the Republic of Guatemala, residing at Oak Park, The side of the body not seen in the drawing is in the county of Cook and State of Illinois, have similar to the side illustrated,
invented a new, original, and ornamental design I claim:
for a Toy Wagon Body, of which the following is The ornamental design for a toy wagon body,
a specification, reference being had to the accomas shown and described.
panying drawing, forming a part thereof. v JOHN R. MORGAN.



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