USD103072S - Design for a cupboard - Google Patents

Design for a cupboard Download PDF


Publication number
USD103072S US D103072 S USD103072 S US D103072S
United States
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John R. Morgan
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Feb. 2, 1937. R MQRGAN Des. 103,072 Q CUPBOARD Filed Nov. 2711936 Patented Feb. 2, 1937 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A CUPBOARD John R. Morgan, Oak Park, Ill., assignor to Sears, l Roebuck and 00., Chicago, 111., a corporation of New York Application November 27, 1986, Serial No. 66,146
Term of patent 3 /2 years To all whom it may concern; cupboard, embodying my new design and showing Be it known that I, John R. Morgan, a citizen one side thereof.
of the Republic of Guatemala, residing in Oak Fig. 2 is a similar view showing the other side Park, in the county of Cook and State of Illinois, thereof.
have invented a new, original, and ornamental I claim:
Design for a Cupboard, of which the following is The ornamental design for a cupboard, as
a specification, reference being had to the acshown.
companying drawing, forming a. part thereof. JOHN R. MORGAN.
Fig. 1 of the drawing is a perspective view of a



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